Chapter 23, The Fight We've Been Waiting For

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Taylor's POV

What. An. Amazing. Night!

Oh wow Jenna is so good, I haven't felt so alive and amazing after this whole rollercoaster of an adventure. I sit up and I don't see her lying next to me, where did she go? What's all that noise outside? I can't let them see me come out of Jenna's tent! Damn it!

I crawl myself under the tent and speed walk to the woods and speed walk back, everyone turns around to see me, what's wrong with all of them? Why do they look so worried?

"What's going on guys? I just came back from my morning run in the woods." I say fidgeting with my hands. I hate lying, but i dont suck at it.

"Jess is missing!"

All of a sudden my heart stopped, my thoughts stopped, everything around me just stopped. Jess is gone, I never should have left last night. I have no room to fear, Anger takes over.

"Well why are you all standing around here then! Move! MOVE! FIND MY WIFE! JESS!!!"

I'll find you Jess, even if I have to tear down every forest and flood every building to find you.

Katelyn's POV

Where can she be?! We can't lose her! Were so close, what if someone took her? No one really said someone took her, they just said she wasn't here, it's an option. Someone might have taken her.

I look back around at Jess and Taylor's tent and I see dirt marks, she must've superspeed onto the ground! I run and chase up to the dirt marks, it's a pretty long run. But the marks stop here in the middle of nowhere.

Wait, it's not in the middle of nowhere...

I look up to my right and see the abandoned castle, it's where the vampire leader is. HE TOOK HER!

I need to get dezi here! I call out her name and hear her swoosh past me, thank god for super hearing. I show her the footprints and tell her to get the others quickly.

"Why Does that footprint look so familiar?" She says inspecting it more.

"Dezi, we don't have time, please we need to go!"

We can lose another second.

Damon's POV

This is it, this is our moment. It's time to unmask the bastard behind all these deaths, this is the moment we all fought for. We all run up to the castle and see vampire guards blocking the door. Fuck of course there'd be guards.

We huddle around the bushes, trying not to be spotted.

"Ok wow there are a lot of guards,-

"Jenna why can't you just blast them away from the door and we can walk right in?" Alec asks.

"Jeez human, I wish I could've thought of that. Before Anastasia inherited the witch's powers she put a force field. No powers once we get to the gate, we try to use our powers nothing will work." Jenna whispered back.

"Fuck!" "What do we do then-

"Hey asshats! Give me my friend back!" Dezi yells showing her vampire teeth. The guards pull out their swords and head towards Dezi.


"You won't tell me? fine. Lets dance." She smirks. She jumps over the huddle of guards and starts fighting them, knocking the swords out of their hands. Is she distracting them?

"I could use a little help you guys!" She asks, punching the guard behind her.

"Jenna before we head there step back and make us some swords!" I tell her wle the others run and attack the guards.

"Ok, lesmontos esmeralda metera!" She chants.

Ten swords appear on top of us, we throw the swords to everyone and start. More guards come through the gate grabbing their swords trying to fight us off. Little do they know we've been practising.

"Just a little more guys were almost there!" Anastasia says fighting off her side of guards.


I hear a loud thud get thrown off at the top of the castle, what was that? I stab my last guards and kick him to the side of the ridge and look above us, it's a giant ball? What's in that? It's going to fall on us!

"GUYS! DUCK!" I say pointing to the ball, everyone looks up and the ball explodes in mid air pouring out this strange dust.

Everyone starts dropping to the ground as well as the guards, its sleeping gas! Not...again...

Dezi's POV


Where am I?

Who's there? Why are my hands tied? Why am in a dark room with only one light hanging above my head?

The gas. It was the gas, why do we keep falling for it and not run away from it. I shake the chair trying to move my hands but it stings me. What's in this rope?

"You're going to have to try harder than that." A male voice says in the darker shadow.

"Who's there? Why am I here? Where are my friends?" I scream.

"You'll see, Dezi you'll see." He says in a lower voice. Who is this...

"How do you know my name? Coward." I say continuing to wiggle around in my chair.

"Because, I'm your husband." 

*shocked face*


Was he the assassin all along or was there another? Find out in the next chapter!

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