Chapter 19, My Love

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Taylor's POV

I must be dreaming, this huge explosion and now my wife and friends in front of my eyes, alive and breathing. They're ok?! I can't contain my tears, all the memories flow back and I run into Jess's arms. I've never wanted to hold her so close, I've never wanted a hug so bad until now.

"I missed you." I whispered, tripping my words from all the crying. God I feel embarrassed, but I don't care, how can I? I have Jess back.

"I missed you too." She squeezes me but let's go and grabs my hands. "But we need to leave, now. Mia, helicopter come on!" She says looking at Mia. She grabs Damon and yells at the others to climb aboard. The house is falling apart but outside is just a giant building, nothing but steel. No windows or doors, but a fiery explosion spreading.

I'm so glad to leave this hell hole, i'm not going to miss it one bit. After all the terror, fear, guilt and fright. We're free and it's time to go home, it's time to end this war and be with our family.

But the main question that won't leave my mind-

Where did the helicopter come from? Where are they taking us? And when can I get my hands on this sicko vampire leader and rip him to shreds with my bare hands?

Mia's POV

Mission rescue was a success! God, finally one of my plans worked, I didn't need any magic or crazy ability to figure out how to get them. Just me and my brain, and well help from Felicity and Jess.

I don't want to tell the whole story of what happened, Feli is doing that now and explaining it to everyone while I tell my side. I'm just too traumatised after what happened. We were the rebels, we didn't go by the rules and made our own. Clearly the leader didn't like that and decided to send us on a death wish. Basically tried to murder us countless times till we escaped through a tunnel we made in our cell every night.

We stole the helicopter and I remembered every step of the way to the house, we wanted to wait right after Christmas morning and end it with a big bang. We had to decorate a big Christmas and New year party, stupid idiots didnt think i'd steal the freworks? Please. So pathetic!

All this time I wanted to hold Damon and have his arms around mine, he made me feel safe. But I just couldn't stay and be treated like a puppet till the leader was satisfied. I don't know if Damon was upset that I left or if he's proud but it was the best option for me, and finding the secret bunker too! Man, I'm good at this.

"Were almost there, land down there!" I yell, thank God Jess could drive the helicopter. I could have killed us all. It's starting to become more bright out and they might be looking for us by now so we need to head inside quickly.

"Woah, what is this?" Alec questions as he spins around and admires the place.

"This is our home. For now. When Feli told you guys about the tunnel, we practically lived down here and spiced it up a bit with colour." I explain.

Everyone is still soaking in their freedom again, it's been a year stuck in that house. Nothing but fear and torture it was, this guy is going to die slowly with my gun to his head. Brutal...but he deserves it after everything he's done to us.

"What's behind this door Mia?" Alec wanders around a sealed door with chains trying to unlock it. Ah fuck we forgot to mention that part.

"It's a secret no peeking, but it's a surprise for Felicity so hush, keep everyone entertained I need to steal Caleb for a sec." I whisper to him, he nods in a weird way and walks away like he's on some runway. Gosh he's the worst liar ever.

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