Chapter 9, Mermaid Lagoon I

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Katelyn's POV

"We've made our decision."

This is the moment, our lives are in someone else's hand. Right when we were so close, I guess if we die I get to be with Elijah. But thinking about my kids, I can't leave them without a fight. I can't let them live an orphanage life, it wouldn't be fair on them. I'm trusting Jenna that she's made the right decision.

"You'll live." Now hearing those words is the best feeling ever. We all hug each other crying our eyes out. "We did it guys." "Were almost there."

We turn and see Jenna staring at us. "Thank you Jenna, you won't regret it." Taylor smiles as she stares at Jenna.

"Better not, my army will come after you all and slowly rip your throats out if you dare betray this trust, even if that means killing my own brothers." The room goes quiet, we didn't think it would've been this hard to get past it.

"Like we said, you won't regret it. Only if you'll help us."

"Very well, my army will stay here and guard the land as we head to the mermaid bay which is in the Pacific, not too far from here." She answers, still keeping a straight face.

"Woah really?! it's that close? let's get moving!" Alec grabs his notebook and heads for the door, Jenna blasts him and leaves him stuck in a bubble.

"Hey! Let me out!" Alec starts banging on the bubble." "Thats not going to work you stupid human, this is the last fantasy species we have to see, we can't mess this one up. The Mermaid kingdom isn't as nice as you think. You can't go all in at once." Jenna explains.

"Why not?" I'm curious to see what mermaids are like...

"Well here's all you need to know. If you thought it was hard to convince me to join you guys, it's going to be a lot harder to convince the queen. Queen Marylyn has been the mermaid queen for over 152 years and if we just go down there out of nowhere without warning they will kill us. I'm going to send in a letter to them and let them know we're coming to see them. Don't be fooled by their beauty, they are cold blooded sneaky creatures, and we can't all go in at once either because it will seem like an attack. The smart thing to do is have at least 4 or 5 of you go, drink the lagoon dremence potion and create a deal with her. NEVER choose it for her, she will choose what she gets in return. Do you all understand?"

What the fu-

Alec's POV

"Is that clear to you human?" I nod my head nervously. I didn't think the job was going to be so hard, hunting witches, werewolves and now discovering mermaids!

Maybe not nice mermaids. But this is still an extraordinary discovery. I can't tell my team about this but I can make this for my book. I'm a new journalist so this should be very interesting.

"We're fine with that, you me Damon and Taylor. I feel we're the most responsible." Katelyn points out as she looks for the potions.

"How dumb are you people? I'm a warlock. I can't touch sea water. I'll melt. Dezi, Jess, Damon and Alec can go. The rest of you stay here with me." Jenna interrupts. Yay! I get to see mermaids, I sound like a complete nerd saying that...

"Hold up, what makes you think I wanna go? I'm staying here with my wife." Jess stands up and goes up to Jenna's face. "First thing, back the hell away from me you dirty werewolf. Second, I choose because I know you have the brain not to do anything stupid down there so I expect you to listen and do as I say." Jenna replies giving Jess a dirty look.

"I don't take orders from a small beady little witch. I will go on my own terms, not because you told me to but because I actually want to help unlike you." Jess snaps back, her eyes start to glow bright yellow and Jenna lifts potions off of the counters and tables.

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