Chapter 6, I Miss you

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Damon's POV

"Are you done yet?" Mia asks walking into our bedroom.

"Nearly there," I say laughing

"Well chop chop!" She says clapping her hands.

"Well excuse me, you could get off your butt and fold your clothes too!" I say gesturing to the clothes on the bed.

"I can't, I just painted my nails, plus you have vamp speed so you'll get it done quicker," She says, blowing her nails, which have nothing on them.

"Ok, well I'll be finished in 10 minutes," I say. Mia walks over and gives me a light kiss on the lips and sits on my lap pulling me into a hug.

She snuggles closer and wraps her arms around my waist. I cuddle her back and lay down on the clothes on the bed. I throw a shoe at the wall, which hits the light switch, turning it off. I reach over and turn on the LED lights that were installed recently.

I turn Netflix on and we watch Netflix for a few hours. Eventually, she falls asleep on me. I slowly detach my body from hers and I continue packing, barely making a noise. I speed around the room like a swish of air. Nobody can hear me.

I finish packing for tomorrow. It's a big journey. We're going to Fiji!

The next day

"Babe guess what mother nature did to me!" Mia says shaking me.

"Are you ok? What's happened?" I asked concerned rubbing my eyes. I can smell blood.

"She decided to make me bleed, and put me in pain." She says smiling.

"Oh shit, well that sucks," I reply, rubbing her shoulder.

"It's not that bad I'll live," She says kissing my cheek.

"That's good then, shouldn't we get going soon?" I ask.

"Omg, yes, FIJI!!" She says standing up on the bed and jumping around if she jumps and higher she's gonna either hit her head on the roof, better yet the fan.

"Be careful the fan is o-" I say not finishing my sentence, she hits her head on the fan and dodges out the way.

"FUCK!" She yells holding her head.

"Shit, are you okay?" I say trying to contain my laughter, I did warn her. Sort of. Let's hope she doesn't have brain damage.

"I'm a bit special today," she says laughing, crying, and rubbing her head.

"Let me see it," I say, gesturing to her to come over to me in the bed.

"Ow, ow, ow!" She says as she plops down onto the bed still holding her head. She removes her hand from the spot where she hit it. She has an egg-like bump formed onto her forehead.

"You'll live, I'll get you an ice pack for the swelling though," I say, giving her head a rub.

I hop out of bed, put Mia's slippers on, and walk down to the kitchen. The floors cold, lucky I'm wearing her slippers. I laugh to myself. Why the fuck am I wearing her slippers!?

Jess's POV

I don't understand, after 5 years of fame, we still can't escape this apocalypse. It's all people remember us by, they don't know what we went through or what the details were and they never will. I Packed all my bags and squished them to the side and hid them under a blanket. Once this war is done, I'm going away from any place where no one can find me. I won't tell Taylor yet unless she wants to come.

I see her entering our room with her robe around her holding one of Naomi's soft toys.

"Ok, she's finally asleep, after 2 hours." She sits beside me and lays her head on my shoulder making me feel warm and comfortable.

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