Chapter 15, Trapped

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Unknowns' POV

"Are you ok?" The girl catches me. I've never seen her before, I know everyone at this school, even the newbies. She looks a lot older to be at this school. But she's in the school uniform, she let's me go and dusts up her skirt.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you..." What else do I say? Do I ask who she is?

"Who are you, may I ask?" Her eyes widen and I see she's starting to get goosebumps on her arm. Is she afraid of something? Surely I didn't frighten her. I'm no harm to her unless she does something to me.

"I'm Katelyn."

Katelyn? It doesn't ring a bell, maybe she's a new student. But I've seen her face before, where have I seen it?

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Camilla." I reach my hand out to greet her and she handshakes me back. Her grip is strong, I wonder where I know her from. I let go and adjust my books to end the tension.

"What class are you heading too?" "History with Mr Brice I believe?" "Same! I'll direct you to the right way. Follow me."

She smiles awkwardly but follows me along. I still get tense and nervous around new people, but she doesn't seem too bad. At least I don't think so.

~In class~

She makes friends real quick, she's so good in class. How did she know all the answers? I studied all last night for this pop quiz and she knows everything! This is her first day. Who is this girl?

"Ok everyone can you please turn to page 12 for Words in deep blue. Andrew you can start."

As I sit behind Katelyn she pulls her phone out inside her book, classic high school students sneaking phones. She starts typing and I squint my eyes to see and I saw my name! Is she saying something bad about me? I don't think I trust this girl anymore.


She quickly packs up and tries to head to the door quickly. I pack up quickly and stop her before she goes to the door. "Katelyn, wait! I don't mean to be a stalker but I saw you texting aut me in class.-

"Oh you saw that? Sorry no I was just telling my friends that you lead me to class. Nothing bad." She laughs awkwardly. Was her laugh...fake?

"We better get to the next class, come on!" She smiles and quickly sprints to the next class. This girl is something I haven't seen before, I don't feel good about this.

Taylor's POV

A girl in my woodshop class asked me what it's like being the smartest girl in the class. Obviously I said to work hard and pay attention in class. But that's what everyone is usually supposed to know. What I learnt about being a pilot, part time scientist and now a different kind of species known as a werewolf is that, be the smartest person in the room.



I walk out and grab a tray for the first time in years. As I wait in line I look around to see the group and at the corner of my eye I see Dezi compel a bunch of students to leave the table and our group practically took over the senior area. God someone has to get her under control.

I walk over to the table and Jess continues to avoid eye contact with me. I'm not dealing with her right now, we have too much going on. "How were your first few classes guys?" I asked as I sat down next to Mia.

"It wasn't too bad going back to school again, I missed doing science experiments." Alec cheered. At least some of us are happy to be back.

"I hate it here, our old High school had better people. These idiots are so annoying! Jack kept throwing paper airplanes like a child!" Mia complained.

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