Chapter 5.8

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It is currently a form-teacher period, where the classes are briefed, by their form teacher, on anything they need to know for the upcoming months.

"I'm sure you guys have voted on the theme of your prom, and I have the results." Mrs Thompson sang, waving a card in the air. Everyone quickly settled down and sat patiently for the winning theme.

"The theme...for your Night!"

The class had a mixture of reactions, but the majority were cheers. The class rose from their seat and jogged to the back. Jackie and Marco were suddenly barraged by their classmates, who were either thanking them or giving hugs.

As Star watched the excitement around those two, she turned her attention to the front and leaned further into her seat. She kicked her feet up onto the table and closed her eyes, with her arms crossed.

"Hey Star, isn't this exciting?" her table mate asked, staring at the crows around the presidents.

"Meh, I don't really care." Star replied with her eyes closed. Her tablemate looked back at her.

"Oh? Do you not like prom?" the tablemate inquired.

"Really, Star? You don't like prom?" one of their classmates, who sits behind her, asked.

"ehh, too noisy. I'm trying to sleep." Star complained.

Her classmates looked at each other then back to the crowd, who is now lifting Jackie and Marco into the air, while Mrs Thompson tried to stop them.

As the class settled down, everyone was busy chatting among each other, discussing what to wear to prom.

"Star? Mr Carlson wants to see you in his office. He needs you for something." Mrs Thompson called out from her desk, as she placed her phone down.

Marco looked to Mrs Thompson then to Star, who still had her feet up and her eyes closed. 

"Why me?" Star groaned, knitting her eyebrows together. "You could ask your two class presidents to do whatever he needs to get done, especially the teacher's pet." Star remarked, looking over to Jackie and Marco with one eye opened, pointing her thumb at them.

Marco squinted at her, but Mrs Thompson continued.

"Well, he asked specifically for you. He mentioned Tom and that he-"

The sound of a chair and table forcefully dragged across the floor made everyone turn to Star. She was standing on her two feet, wide awake, with her fists on the table. Her classmates murmured to each other, while Marco and Jackie stared.

"Star?" Mrs Thompson asked.

Star blinked a few times and began packing her things. Marco watched as she slung her bag over her shoulder and headed to the front. After grabbing a piece of paper from Mrs Thompson, she walked to the front door, but stopped in place. With eyes still on her, she turned to the class and stared  straight at Marco, who was watching her worriedly yet confused.

She slowly raised her hand and put an 'L' against her forehead, with her tongue stuck out. Her classmates snickered while Marco got rid of his worry and confusion with squinted eyes.

Before he could say anything, she skipped out of the classroom with a smirk.

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