Chapter 5.4

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Marco jerked up from his bed and reached out, slamming the snooze on his clock. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and let out a loud yawn.

As he climbed out of his bed, he stretched his arms up and dragged his feet to the door then to the bathroom. After his shower, he turned the faucet off and just on cue, the doorbell rang. He quickly stepped out and wrapped his towel around his torso. As Marco exited the bathroom, he heard the front door open, along with soft murmurs afterwards.

Marco quickly headed to his room and closed the door. He walked over to his dresser, which was beside his desk, and pulled out one of the drawers. As he grabbed his clothes and walked over to his bed, he heard the door open.

"Mom, don't come in. I'm- " Marco called out as he turned around and realised it wasn't his mom that entered. It was Star Butterfly.

They stared at each other and froze in place, till Star turned super red, causing Marco to do the same.

"Mijo, Star's –" Marco's mom peeked her head out behind Star and frantically placed her hand over her mouth.

"Uhm, S-Star, please come down to the living room ya? Sorry Mijo" Marco's mom quickly said, pulling Star out of the room before slamming his door shut, leaving Marco still frozen in place. He blinked a few times and pressed his shirt into his face and proceeded to hunch forward, letting out a groan.


After Marco got dressed, he hesitantly headed down the stairs. He looked into the living room to see Star sitting at the sofa. When Marco walked in, Star was hunched forward cross-legged. She had her elbow on the top leg and her chin rested on her hand, grinning at Mariposa, who was giggling and wiggling her toy at her.

"Hey Star." Marco muttered looking away, rubbing the back of his neck.

Star whipped her head to him then quickly looked forward and sat upright, uncrossing her legs and stomping her boots by accident.

"Hey." Star said bluntly, looking away, making Marco look over.

She was wearing a green dress and a black denim jacket. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and was wearing a pair of gold plated star earrings. As they stayed in place awkwardly, Mariposa started to coo out.

They looked over and smiled at her, in which Mariposa reached her hands out. Marco walked over and picked her up, making Mariposa laugh and wiggle her butterfly toy. As he held her in his arms, she proceeded to chew on the toy, making Marco chuckle.

Mariposa turned to Star and pulled out her toy from her mouth and began wiggling it at her. Star's smile widened and stood up from her seat, walking up to the siblings. She bent forward and gazed at Mariposa.

"Guess what, I'm a butterfly too." Star cooed, making Mariposa reach out her free hand to Star.

Star stood up straight and tilted her head at Marco, who was smiling at her. He passed Mariposa to her, in which Star hesitantly accepted. As Star cradled Mariposa in her arms, her shoulders began to relax and started bouncing her, making the light bounce off her earrings.

Mariposa started to laugh and gazed up at Star in awe before placing her head on Star's chest. Star froze and smiled down sweetly.

"I didn't know you were great with kids."

Star raised her eyebrows and looked over to Marco, who was watching her with a smile. Star immediately looked away and heard a coo from Mariposa, who had her eyes closed and her head resting on her chest. She gazed at her and smiled.

"Actually..." Star trailed off and turned to Marco. As they stared at each other, Star broke it off by shifting her gaze down at Mariposa.

"I didn't know either." Star replied, smiling down at Mariposa. Marco furrowed his eyebrows but soon replaced it with a smile.

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