Chapter 15.6

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As Marco reached his house, he began to take out his boots and head for his room. He entered his room and noticed the battery icon on the locket's screen is green. Marco walked over and pulled the locket out from the wire and pressed a few buttons.

As he stared at the screen, he noticed that the 4th log still had a few minutes in. He sighed and hit a button and placed the locket on the table. There was panting and heaving at the starting.

I really should start running or something. I can't seem to catch a break in this school. Oh, shit my hoodie.

Marco let out a small chuckle as he leaned back, propping his arms behind him.

Uhm..hello again. If you heard Jackie's name, yes, I ran into her. She was crying and saying how much she hates me. Clearly, that wasn't what I wanted to hear, especially when I offered to help her. But I won't be surprised. I would have reacted like that if I were in her shoes. But I won't be so bossy...maybe a little. Anyways, she told me she could prove to me that Marco will want to be her and do what she wants. I don't know how she's going to do it but I'm definitely not going to let her. Am I selfish? Yes. Is there a reason for it? Yes, and I think you know what it is, Star.

Marco raised an eyebrow and sat up straight.

Why am I talking to myself? That's weird. Either ways, I'm going to lay low until I 'come back' in October. For Marco's sake, I will do the exams, just at my home. I hope I get to talk to him...just one last time.

The recording ended and Marco let out a sigh. He turned to the locket and lifted it to his eye level. He scrolled through the list and froze at the last log she left.

He furrowed his eyebrows, knowing that this will decide if he should continue searching for Star. He turned his back to the table again, lowering his hand and staring down at the locket in hand.

Reliving that cold moment they had in his bedroom and how she let Jackie have him, he hesitantly hovered his thumb over the play button and then pressed it.

The recording began with the sound of shuffling, bags opening and murmurs.

I knew it...he couldn't keep a promise...he picked her over me. I'm so stupid! Tom was right. He told me it was a dream and that it won't happen, and I threw a tantrum and made him promise me that it would happen. Ugh!

Star grunted and threw something to the wall, which bounced off and hit something. Marco furrowed his eyebrows and was now gripping the locket tightly as he heard Star panting.

Damn it. It's back. Where is it?

Marco could hear Star looking through her drawers till she lifted something heavy and metallic. The sound of pills hitting against plastic could be heard. There was a pause till Star walked over to the locket.

I tried. I tried everything. But it's not working...I don't know what to do. I can't take it anymore...I can't live on like this...

Star began to sob into something, muffling into it but was distinct. Marco started to hunch forward.

I'm sorry...whoever will be looking for me. By the time anyone hears this, I'm probably not here anymore. I'm sorry papa and mama...I'm sorry Tom...I'm sorry Janna and Pony...I'm...

Star cried softly as Marco pushed his free hand over his eyes.

Hey! You done yet?

Marco froze. He removed the hand covering his eyes and looked down at the locket. The voice was from a man. He sounded distant but had an accent.

Uh ya! I'm coming!

The recording ended and Marco held his gaze at the locket.

He furrowed his eyebrows and gritted his teeth. He gripped onto the locket tightly and lifted the locket, readying to throw it down.

He froze and began to recall moments he shared with Star and the moments he noticed about her from afar.

Marco lowered his arm and collapsed to the floor. He hugged himself tightly as he sobbed softly.

Though the night was colder than usual, the sun had begun to rise. It slowly warmed the cold air, but not enough to put Marco's heart back together again.

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