Chapter 5.5

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"Alright, you have any ideas on how to start?" Marco asked, laying out the presentation board.

They were alone in the living room, sitting criss-crossed on the floor, surrounded by books and their laptops.

"Hmm, I have some ideas, but I'd rather hear yours first, since you're the teacher's pet." Star remarked, playing with Mariposa's butterfly toy.

Marco looked over and raised an eyebrow at her. He looked back and stared at the presentation board with his hand on his chin.

"We can create some speech bubbles and cards that we can use to tell the story between Mewni and Earth. Then use photos from either online or the textbook beside them." Marco explained as he pointed at certain areas on the board.

Star hummed a tune, resting her hand on her chin, staring intently at the board. Marco looked over to Star and started to gaze at her.

Star had another scar straight down her left cheeks. It was barely visible, but it was right there for sure. Star glanced over and hastily shifted her gaze to the board. She crossed her arms over her chest and cleared her throat.

"Typical answer and expected from the teachers. But I have another idea." Star offered flashing a grin, in which Marco responded with an eyebrow raised.

After Star explained her idea, they quickly grabbed what they needed and began constructing their assignment.

After a while, Marco looked up at the wall clock opposite them and noticed it was already time for lunch.

"Hey Star, you wanna take a break?" Marco asked, looking over to her. Star looked up at him, to the clock then at him, nodding in response.

"Alright, I'll make us lunch." Marco replied before walking to the kitchen.

As Marco prepared their lunch, he looked over to see Star still working on the assignment. She had her back hunched forward and was staring intensely as she cut a shape out, with her tongue sticking out. Marco chuckled softly and smiled, before bringing their lunch to the living room.

"I made us burritos, with some of the meat my mom made just now." Marco said as he passed Star a plate.

She quickly placed her craft down and accepted it with two hands. As Marco took a seat, Star lifted the burrito to her mouth, taking a bite the process. He rested his back onto the sofa and looked over to Star, chewing. She hummed a joyous tone with her eyes closed.

"It's really nice, Marco. Props to your mom." Star complimented before going in for her second bite, causing Marco to chuckle.

"Thanks. I'll do that." Marco smiled, before starting on his.

As they focused on their burritos, Marco looked over to Star who was staring at her burrito as she chewed.

"Um, can I ask you something?"

Star stopped, but kept her gaze on her burrito. Marco tilted his head till she resumed chewing and nodded.

"What happened that day? With Jason I mean." Marco inquired, making Star look forward and rest her plate on her lap.

There was a moment of silence as Marco stared at Star while Star kept her gaze forward, avoiding his. Marco furrowed his eyebrows and quickly looked down.

"If you don't wanna talk-."

"He's a creep." 

Marco lifted his head to see her still holding her gaze forward.

"He said some stuff that pissed me off and bitch had a smirk on his face while saying it. So, I gave him what he deserved." Star clenched her fist, looking away.

The ceiling fan was the only noise emitting throughout the room, till Marco sighed.

"Well, your stunt really left a mark on him. He was unconscious and will be in the hospital for 2 weeks." Marco sighed, looking down and rubbing the back of his neck. Star didn't respond but crossed her arm over her chest.

"Sorry if I got you into trouble."

Marco looked over to Star, who was avoiding his gaze.

"Well, Jason is known for his bachelor nonsense and he's definitely not a gentleman. So, I'm glad you saw through him before anything else."

Star looked over to him eyes wide. They chuckled and smiled back at each other.

"Are you sure you only know a little about karate? You seemed to be pretty good at it for knowing so little." Marco asked, raising an eyebrow at her, causing Star to chuckle.

"Ya well. I pretty much know the basics and that includes that flip. So, you should stay away from me if you don't wanna go for one." Star taunted, smirking at him as she flexed her bicep at him.

Marco chuckled and leaned back with his hands up in defense, making her laugh and smile at him widely. Marco lowered his hands and gazed at her as she lowered her arm and looked down smiling.

As Marco fixed his gaze on Star, she glanced over and turned to face him. She tilted her head smiling, making him widen his smile and not breaking their gaze on each other.

"Marco, can you come up here? I can't find Mariposa's butterfly!" Marco's mom called out.

They froze in place and their eyes went wide. They were now inches away from each other. Marco quickly moved back, blushing deeply, while Star immediately faced forward with her hands covering her face. Marco immediately rose to his feet and placed his hand on the back of his neck.

"I-I, uhm...will be right back." Marco replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, looking for Mariposa's butterfly. He spotted her toy but it was beside Star who still had her face covered.

Realizing her state, Marco decided to reach around her, trying to grab the toy till Star leaned forward, bumping into him. Marco looked over to see her hands had moved to the side of her face.

Their cheeks started to redden, realizing they were closer than before. Marco turned his face, snatched the toy and took a few steps back.

Marco felt sweat rolling down his face and quickly walked up the stairs, leaving Star to hug her legs, burying her face deeper.

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