Chapter 12.3

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It was now the end of the day and Marco was in his bedroom. He lied on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He sighed and lifted himself off the bed and decided to head downstairs.

His parents took Mariposa for her weekly check-up with the pediatrician, so he made his way to the living room sofa and turned the news on.

"This just in: Tom Lucitor, son of the Lucitor family and a very close friend with Star Butterfly, who has been missing for almost two weeks, had just come out of his coma and on his road to a full recovery."

Marco's eyes widened and sat up in his seat.

'His surgery began at the end of September and has been in a coma for almost 4 months. Many doctors were worried that he may not be conscious, despite a successful operation.

"It's a miracle! We didn't know how it was possible or what happened. He just woke up!" A doctor said, facing the camera with a look of relief and confusion.'

"We're now going to live footage of Tom Lucitor entering Los Angels Hospital. Charlie please."

The TV was now showing Tom being wheelchaired, by a tall man in a suit, into a building. As the camera got closer, he held his head low as the camera flashes and microphones surrounded him.

"Tom! Tom! Have you spoken to Star and do you know where she is?

"No comment" Tom said bluntly as he kept looking forward.

"Tom! Tom! Do you know what or who may be the cause of Star Butterfly's disappearance?"

Tom lifted his hand up, causing the bodyguard behind him to stop. Tom slowly turned to the camera and glared.

"He starts with the letter M." Tom spat out before facing forward.

The live footage kept rolling as the bodyguard continued pushing Tom into the building. Marco was now on his feet, eyes glued to the TV.

"Well you just heard it folks. The main reason why Ms Star Butterfly is still missing is because-"

Marco immediately turned the TV off and gripped his hair with both of his hands. He quickly fished out his phone and turned on the screen, revealing the media player of Star's log. He immediately unplugged his earpiece and played the recording.

They are always there for me, even when I try to get away from them.

Well, that includes Tom, haha.

He can be a pain in ass whenever I visit him, but I know he means well. I wonder after telling him about Marco, would he want to meet him.

They both know karate and are my closest guy friends... Huh. I should ask Pony.

She probably knows and while I'm at it, I probably could do some love-matching works, since they are quite compatible.

Anyways, I'm just rambling at this point.


The recording stopped and Marco turned his screen off and hung his head low. He rose to his feet and clenched his fist, before running out of the house. As the sun set, Marco kept running and looking around.


"It should be here." Marco thought.

He started to slow down and stopped in place as he stared ahead panting. Pony was at the opposite side of the traffic light, looking at Marco panting heavily as well.

As the green man signal appeared, Marco walked over to Pony.

"Pony..." Marco said as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to try and snatch Star's bracelet. You were just as worried about her as me and Janna, and I shouldn't have disregarded it." Pony said, looking up at him.

Marco sighed and gave her a half-smile and patted her head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't understand why you did that and said what you I lashed out unfairly..."

"Did you watch the news? About Tom..."

Marco hummed a tune and retracted his hand from Pony's head into his pocket.

"He really hates me..." Marco said, looking down. Pony shook her head, causing Marco to lift his head.

"He doesn't hate you, Marco. He was angry at a message I Star."

Marco lifted an eyebrow at her and tilted his head.

"What do you mean?"

Pony looked down and hugged herself.

"Star sent me a voice message...on the day she disappeared."

Marco took a step back and his jaw was loosened.

"She told me to send a message to Tom because at the time she disappeared, he was undergoing the surgery. She told me to use her phone in her bag and tell him that she's alright and coming to see him soon..." Pony said, hugging herself tighter while Marco frowned and looked away.

"I sent the message and when he woke up today, he called me and asked about the news of Star missing and what happened to her..." Pony said as she was at the brink of tears.

"I shouldn't have sent that message...he felt like he was deceived and was screaming on the phone...he-"

Marco took a step forward and hugged her.

"You did what you thought was right and didn't want to upset any of them. It's not your fault, Pony." Marco said as Pony slowly wrapped her arms around him.

As they stood in place, holding each other, they slowly pulled apart. They shared a small smile till Pony dug into her pocket. She pulled out her hand and held up something in front of both of them. Marco's eyes widened and reached out his hand.

"I fixed it for you. I believe this was rightfully yours since she left it for you." Pony added, draping Star's bracelet over his palm.

Marco gave a half smile and picked up the bracelet; The beads were now placed in a rainbow sequence, with 2 strings sticking out and the trinket dangling in place between the red. Marco immediately put it on and looked over with a smile.

"Thank you." Marco said, taking one last look at the bracelet on his wrist, as Pony smiled.

"Would you like to hear her voice message? I'm sure you haven't heard her voice in a while..." Pony asked, with one corner of her lips curled up.

Marco smiled and nodded.

Pony fished for her phone and turned on her screen. She looked up at Marco then at her screen. As the sun's ray shone behind her, she immediately tapped on it.

"Hey Pony, my little feisty girlie...

Listen uhm...I need you to do me a favour.

I know you are wondering where I am and I'm...somewhere, that has a telephone booth.


Shit, I forgot this is a payphone. Okay uhm...

Could you reach into my bag in Class 4-A and send a message to Tom?

I'm a dumbass for not bringing my phone and I told him I would message him around now...

I know you guys are looking for me and believe me I want you guys to find me...but I can't do this anymore...

It's too much...

*clears throat* sorry uhm...

Tell Tom I'm alright and that I'll come see him soon.

Thank you Pony...See you soon..."

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