Chapter 5.3

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It's been a few days since the incident at the dojo and Star has been avoiding Marco. He would at times try to go up to Star during classes, but she would either avoid him completely or ask to be excused to the toilet.

"She hasn't said anything since then and I don't know what to do." Marco cried out to his friends.

It was free-period and they were sitting at an outdoor picnic table in school under a tree. Marco had his face planted onto the table while his friends watched.

"Don't worry, Marco. She will have to come around. Our submission is due next Monday anyway."

"I don't know Jackie," Jackie looked over to Alfonzo and Ferguson. "Remember what I said that time at lunch?" Alfonzo eyed her, stroking his chin while Ferguson repeatedly tapped his fingers onto his thumb.

"You're not helping guys." Marco called out in a muffle, with his face still planted on the table. Alfonzo let out a frustrated sigh.

"Face it, Marco. It's the reality you are in now. You didn't listen and now you only have 4 days to complete the assignment." Alfonzo pointed out nonchalantly, causing Marco to lift his head. He rested his chin on the table, squinting at him.

"Tsk. Don't listen to him, Marco. Maybe you can send her a text? Since she always runs away from you in person." Jackie suggested, looking back at him.

"Ya, but I don't have her number." Marco said, dejectedly.

"Hmm, why not ask Janna?" Ferguson asked.

"I don't think she would." Marco answered.

"Maybe ask Pony. She is more likely to give you." Jackie suggested.

"Ask me what?"

They turned their head to the right and Pony was leaning forward, at the end of the table, where Alfonzo and Jackie were.

She had her head rested in the palms of her hand. Marco raised his eyebrows, along with Jackie and Ferguson, like a deer in headlights. Alfonzo, however,  jerked up and almost fell off from his seat. He caught himself and placed a hand over his chest, before doing a double take.

"How did we not see you, what the f**k?" Alfonzo exasperated as he huffed out.

"Hey no cuss. My daddy said cussing is only needed if you're angry." Pony scolded, crossing her arm over her chest. Alfonzo squinted at her and stuck out his tongue, in which Pony did the same. Jackie cleared her throat.

"Pony, do you have Star's number?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Oh. Ya. Why do you guys need it?"

"Loser here needs it." Alfonzo said, pointing his thumb at Marco, who still had his chin on the table. Marco probably will have wrinkles around his eyes the more he squints.

"Um...I don't know. She said not to give her number out to anyone." Pony explained hesitantly.

Everyone frowned and looked over to Marco, who was now looking away, avoiding their gaze.

"MMmmmm...But since it's Marco, she probs be ok with it. Plus, I cannot see my Marco like this." Pony said, pouting.

Marco raised his eyebrows and lifted his head, before running over to her. Pony watched, perplexed and speechless, as he gripped her shoulders and held an expression of a child who managed to persuade his mom to get him the toy.

"Thanks Pony. You're the best." Marco ended with a smile, in which Pony giggled.

"Hehehe, there's my Marco." Pony cooed. She flashed a smile, before fishing out her phone and looking through it.


"I can do this." Marco mumbled as he sat on the edge of his bed.

He stared at Star's number and tapped on "Message", sending him to a blank chat box. Marco kept tapping on his phone at different speeds, till he lifted his head, letting out a groan. A light knock and the door opened to reveal his mom peeking in.

"Mijo? You okay?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Ya...I'm just trying to send a text to someone, who..." Marco trailed off, tapping a finger on his chin. "has some issues with me, but I have to talk to them because our assignment is due soon." Marco replied, freezing in place and looking over to his mum.

"Oh, just tell them you're sorry for bothering and tell them that we should priorities the assignment over the feud. You can pick the date, time and place, so that you don't have to wait for their reply." His mom replied, making him tap his finger on his chin again.

"Hmm...okay. Thanks mom." Marco ended with a smile.

"No worries. Don't stay up too long, even though it's not a school night." Marco's mom called out before closing the door. Marco let out a sigh and looked back at his phone.

"Alright here goes." He mumbled as he tapped on his screen.

M: Hey Star. I got your number from Pony. I'm sorry for whatever I did, but we need to complete the assignment. We only have till Monday. If you want, you can come over to my house tomorrow so that we can start. This is Marco btw.

After Marco reread what he wrote for the fifth time, he hit "send" and laid onto his bed, letting out a long exhale. His eyes started to get heavy and he slowly fell into a slumber on the plush bedspread.


His eyes shot open and looked over, noticing the screen on. He reached out and hovered his phone over his face. He rubbed and blinked his eyes before reading the notification. He quickly sat up and tapped it:

S: Sure. I will come by before lunch. See you then.

Marco smiled and typed in his address, before crawling to the top of his bed. He put his phone away and laid his head on his pillow, falling back into slumber again.

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