Chapter 6.3

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They rode a few rides in the theme park till it was lunch time.

They decided to stop by at a nearby restaurant, which was fairly packed. Star showed a card to the waiter and they were led in.

As they walked past the many customers, who were having their meals, Janna, Pony and Marco started to feel a bit uncomfortable and hungrier as they looked around. They reached a room at the far back. The waiter pushed the door inwards and there was a large chandler and an eight-seater table with throne-like chairs at each side and ends of it.

They took a seat and began to settle down. Pony and Janna were seated side-by-side, while Marco sat opposite them. Star was at the end of the eight-seater table nearest to them.

"These look so good guys! Star, why are we here and not outside there?" Pony asked, looking up from her menu.

"This is the private area. Only famous people get to be here, which includes my family apparently." Star explained, staring at the menu. Everyone looked to Star then back at their menu again.

After they gave their orders, everyone leaned back into their seats, enjoying the cooling air circulating in the room.

"So, what was the argument about, Marco?"

Marco lifted his head to Janna, who had her fingers steepled together at him. He then noticed Pony staring at him across the table, awaiting his response as well. He then looked over to Star, who was staring at him, leaning her back into the chair, with her arms crossed over her chest. He turned back to Janna and sat upright, letting out a sigh.

"Alfonzo got mad that I didn't tell them about Star's royalty." Marco explained with his head hung low. 

Star scoffed and as everyone looked over, she looked away, staring at one corner of the room, tapping her fingers on the arm rest. Pony looked back at Marco.

"Why would he get mad about you withholding information on Star? Why does it matter to him that much?" Pony asked, twirling the ends of her pigtails.

Marco shrugged, while scratching his head.

"My royalty shouldn't mean anything to those dum dums." Marco looked over to Star as she drummed her fingers. "Yet, they cared so much about it." 

Star then raised her knuckle and rested her chin on it. 

"I don't know why you're friends with them." Star said bluntly, eyeing Marco.

"They're good people, Star. They may have a good reason for it." Marco reasoned.

Star then turned her head to the front.

"Ya, money." Star spat out with a scowl.

Marco frowned and rested his arm on the table. He then rested his head on his knuckle, looking down.

Their food arrived shortly, and everyone ate in silence. After Star paid for their meals, they started their journey to the new attraction where she is expected to be.

Marco trailed behind the girls, who were busy chatting among each other. Pony had her phone out, taking multiple shots of her surroundings. Star and Janna would constantly show off the peace sign with a half-smile whenever the camera landed on them.

As they walked through the 'Alice in Wonderland' attraction, Pony shrieked, causing everyone to stop and look over. They shifted their gaze to what she's staring at and recognised the 'Mad Tea Party' ride.

"You can go ahead, Pony."

Pony turned to Star, who had her hand on her exposed waist.

"Really? Don't you want to get to the new attraction?" 

"You and Janna have never been here before," Star then removed her shades and gave a smile. "Here, take my pass, so that you can skip the queue." She reached into her back pocket and extended her pass to Pony. 

Pony stared in awe then gave a toothy grin, before taking the pass. She then walked over Janna, who looked very reluctant, and locked arms with her.

"Marco, do you want to go?" Pony asked, looking over to him, tugging Janna closer to her.

"No, that's okay. I'm not good with those. Go on ahead." Marco waved them off, in which Pony nodded, skipping off while dragging Janna along with her.

Star put her shades on and turned back to take a seat. Marco looked over as she sat on the edge of her seat, leaning forward, using her phone.

"Sit down, Marco. It's not right to stare." Star ordered, startling him. He immediately looked down and cautiously took a seat beside her.

As they sat waiting for their friends, Marco was looking at his surroundings. 

There were large groups walking about, laughing, and smiling, while there were families, enjoying something refreshing as they stroll around. The interactions between these two groups were enough to put a smile on Marco's face.

"Have you heard anything from them?"

Marco turned his attention to Star who was still on her phone.

"I haven't received any messages, but I did get some missed calls from Jackie..." Marco trailed off as he looked away rubbing the back of his neck. Star hummed, still glued onto her phone.

"What happened just now? At the bench I mean." Star inquired, taking off her shades. Marco looked over and she was awaiting his reply.

"I don't know. I was having some visions got intense." Marco sheepishly replied, blushing at the thought of it.

"Was I in it or something?" Star prompted turning herself, so that she was directly facing him. Marco's eyes widened and immediately looked down.

"Uhm...I..." Marco stuttered, avoiding her gaze.

"You can tell me Marco. Aren't we friends?"

Marco lifted his head and looked over to Star; she held her stare with furrowed eyebrows.

Their surroundings began to muffle into white noise as they fixed their gaze at each other. Star started to inch forward while Marco did the same. He reached out his hand to cup her cheek till Star stopped in place. Marco froze as Star looked down into her pocket. The white noise was cut into sharp ringing and busy crowds: reality. She fished out her phone and immediately picked up.

"Hey Tom." Star greeted, causing Marco to lower his hand down and raise an eyebrow.

Star stood up from her seat and started walking away, before turning to Marco, mouthing that "she will be right back". Marco nodded and watched as she jogged away from him. 

He was mesmerized. The way she spoke on her phone, with a smile, swaying her hands around and making small steps every once in a while. That image of Star was foreign to Marco, but he felt his chest ache.

He quickly looked away, and noticed Pony and Janna running up to him.

"Hey Marco! That was so fun! You should really try it before we leave!" Pony cheered, jumping up and down. He smiled at her excitement and looked over to Janna, who had her eyes closed and her hand covering her forehead.

"Where's Star?" Janna asked exhaustedly, eyeing him with one eye.

Marco shifted his gaze and nudged his head. Janna and Pony looked over to Star, who was still on the phone smiling. The duo shifted their eyes to him, who had his eyes on their best friend.

"I thought you liked Jackie?"

Marco whipped his head to Janna, who had her hand on her hip. They stared in silence until he looked away.

"Y-Ya, I do." Marco replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Really? Marco shifted his eyes to Pony. "Isn't Star better than her?" She prompted with a smirk. Marco then shifted his eyes to Star again, who had her hand over her mouth, giggling.

"Ya..." Marco trailed off with a smile, keeping his gaze at Star.

"Which one, Diaz?"

His expression dropped and he shifted his eyes to the smirking duo.

"I- Wh- I meant...Back off guys!" Marco quickly said, covering his face with his hands, as Janna and Pony burst out in laughter.

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