Chapter 2.2

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Class proceeded as usual in 4-A, despite the new addition. It was now lunch period and Marco and his friends had just arrived at the very packed cafeteria. There was a long queue at the food counter and there weren't many seats left. After searching with their food on their trays, they managed to find seats at the back. 

"Ooo ya, it's Taco Tuesday on a Monday," Ferguson sang, placing his tray on the table. He immediately tore the wrapper around the first taco. "Sweet!"  he cheered, taking a huge bite.

Marco and Alfonzo chuckled and followed with their own. Marco glanced around the cafeteria and noticed Jackie looking around as well. He called and waved her over, which Jackie heard and rushed over.  

"Thanks Marco. I forgot that everyone would be at the cafeteria on the first day." Jackie said, taking a seat beside him.

"No problem. I guess a lot of us miss their tacos." Marco turned his head to Ferguson sucking the barbeque sauce on his fingertips. "Isn't that right, Ferguson?" 

Ferguson froze at the call of his name and looked over to a mixture of judging and amused stares from his friends. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, do I make you guys uncomfortable?" Ferguson judged, with his hands up in defence. The rest chuckled at his response and everyone went back to their meal, with Ferguson unwrapping his second taco.

"Wow, what an entrance that new girl did." Jackie remarked. 

"Ya I know right?" Alfonzo exclaimed, looking over to Jackie and Marco. "She came in stomping and all attitude-like. It's as if she could hurt you real bad man." He shook his head and took a bite at his taco. 

"I can see why she would be transferred out. What do you think of her, Marco?" Jackie asked, looking over. 

Marco froze in place, with his half-eaten taco inches from being devoured. He glanced over to  see Jackie and Alfonzo awaiting his answer, and lowered his taco, bringing a finger to his chin. 

"Scary. Probably hostile," Marco looked over to Jackie. "She must hate us, Jackie. Considering how she reacted just now." Marco pointed out, before looking over to his taco and taking a bite. 

"Probably, but she can't do anything to us. We're basically the untouchables and nothing bad will happen to us." Jackie stated, taking a bite of hers.

"Ya...but we should keep our distance," Marco bit the last parts of his taco and crumbled up the wrapper. "Who knows what can happen..." Marco replied with a stuffed mouth.

A loud bang erupted into the cafeteria and everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to the source of the noise. 

"Speak of the devil..." Jackie muttered. 

Star strutted into the cafeteria with a bunch of male students, wooing closely behind her. She looked at the queue and immediately looked away.

The male students, probably her new gang, began pushing people in the queue aside, letting her cut in front of them. She looked over and kept a straight face, before walking over to the food counter.

As she got her share, many students waiting in line protested but she didn't react and left to find a seat. Her gang cheered and swooned, calling her the "Ice queen", following behind her.

Jackie and Marco crinkled their nose and curled their lips into a scowl, while Alfonzo and Ferguson furrowed their eyebrows and frowned.

The four of them kept their gaze on Star, who had walked up to a seat that was occupied. She looked over to her gang again and they mobilised to chase off the occupants. Her gang gestured to the now empty seat, lowering their heads as Star strutted over and took a seat. 

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