Chapter 6.1

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Turns out my chapter 5 was incomplete 😑😩😖 sorry if there was any confusion! It's now complete! I updated Chapter 5.2 which is now the dojo incident. Please reread if u are interested to find out what happened!!

Chapter 5 should be from 5.1 to 5.8

It was late August and the Year 4 students of Echo Creek Academy were on their way for their 4-week school trip.

The trip has been separated into 2 weeks of visiting universities that the students are interested in and another 2 weeks of sightseeing around Los Angeles and its neighboring towns.

After they arrived at the pick-up point, individual classes were escorted to their own rental buses that would take them to their hotels, before heading out for their allocated activities. For 4-A, they had the glory of starting off their trip with sightseeing first.

As the class checked into their hotels, they made their way to their rooms and started unpacking.

"Oh man, I can't believe we're here! F** yeah!" Alfonzo screamed out.

"Chill dude. We aren't the only ones in this hotel." Marco shushed, unzipping his luggage.

"Oh Lighten up, Diaz. Don't you think it's cool?" Alfonzo asked excitedly, walking over to his opened luggage.

Marco, Alfonzo, and Ferguson were sharing a room, while Jackie was sharing with one of their classmates.

"Hey, you used one of Star's nicknames on him." Ferguson laughed.

"Ya, that name really is growing on me." Alfonzo said, juggling his ball of socks.

A roll of toilet paper bounced off Alfonzo's face, causing the sock ball to bounce off his receiving hand and onto a nearby bed. He and Ferguson looked over to the owner of the toilet paper roll.

"You should see the look on your face, Dum 1" Marco laughed out, pointing at him, but was interrupted by Alfonzo's sock ball.

After a friendly match of "catch", the boys laid on their beds, with their things scattered around them.

"Hey Marco?" Alfonzo called out, staring at the ceiling.

"Ya Alfonzo?" Marco answered in the same manner.

"Do you still like Jackie?" Alfonzo asked, looking over to him.

With no response, Alfonzo and Ferguson started to sit up, pressing on for an answer.

"Ya." Marco answered, shifting his gaze from the ceiling to the window.

"Really? Have you done anything?" Alfonzo prompted leaning closer to him.

"Not yet...what do you mean "Really?"" Marco asked, turning his head with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you seemed to be hanging out with Star a lot. Especially after that group assignment, which by the way no offence, my work was def deserving of that sweet and only A+ that Ms whoever gave you guys." Alfonzo mocked, eyeing down at him.

Marco then pulled himself into a sitting position. He turned to his friends, with one hand resting on his lap.

"To give you a recap, my presentation received a standing ovation from the class. You probably forgot; you were one of them too. And you got an A, what's the big deal?"

"Please Marco, yours was like a children's book, with pop ups coming out," Alfonzo replied, staring at his hands that were mirroring a book with his fingers wiggling upwards. "While for mine, it had small cut-outs of the important people having a conversation." Alfonzo concluded with a hand on his waist.

Marco raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Sorry my dude, I don't give the gradings." Marco then got off the bed and bent down, picking up his stuff. "Also, I haven't been hanging out with Star. We just became close...more than before." He added, rising to his feet. 

In his arms were a bunch of toilet paper, sock rolls and a towel. He strolled over to his messy opened luggage.

"Regardless, I think you should distance yourself from Star, if you don't really like her." Alfonzo suggested. Marco spun around, with his stuff still in his arms.

"Why should I? There isn't anything going on between us. Plus, I don't don't like her. She's my friend." Marco argued with one corner of his lips curled down and furrowed eyebrows.

"To be honest, Jackie seemed to be quite distant. Especially since you brought Star with us to the cafeteria that day." Ferguson chimed in.

"She has? I haven't noticed." Marco said, putting his stuff into his luggage. He turned to his friends and tilted his head down, resting his chin on his hand.

"Might be because of Star, dude." Alfonzo added. He shifted his gaze to Marco and immediately raised his hands in defense of Marco's glare.

"Hey man, I only say what I assume. She's the only variable anyway."

"Well, your assumption might be wrong. Y-You know what, I'll ask Jackie myself, alright?" Marco waved off, walking towards the door.

As he opened the door, he was greeted by the person he was going to see.

"Hey Marco! I was gonna ask if you guys wanna join me and Ashley to Disneyland." Jackie asked, shifting her gaze to the inside of his room.

She was wearing a teal colored shirt, with a pair of jean shorts and a pair of white high cut sneakers. Marco broke his stare on Jackie and looked over his shoulder.

"Uh, ya sure." He replied, turning back to her.

"Awesome, we'll meet you guys at the lobby. Bye." Jackie said turning to her left before leaving with a wave goodbye.

As Marco watched her leave, he couldn't help but smile and gaze at her.

"Ya, I still do like her." Marco said to himself, before going into the room.

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