Chapter 6.4

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After Star was done with her call, they headed to their destination.

Star held out her pass, in which 2 security guards pulled back the curtains, allowing them to enter. The new ride was called "Galaxy's Edge: Rise of Resistance". It was recently added after the latest Star Wars trilogy was completed.

Right at the entrance, they were guided through one of the rebellion's ships. They walked through the ship and reached the commander's deck, where there was a large control panel in the center. The screens displayed the status of the ship and the flight plan, while in the background, there was distress in the voices through the PA system.

As they arrived at where the ride is, a four-seater vehicle arrived, designed as an Electric passenger car. They took their seats and began their experience.

As they exited the attraction, they noticed it was darker than usual. Marco proceeded to check his phone and realised it was reaching seven o'clock.

"That was so cool! I can't believe we get to experience it before everyone." Janna cheered, stretching her hands out.

"I know right? There wasn't anyone with us, so we had it all to ourselves! I love the part where Rey fought with Kylo Ren! Girl Power baby! I'm soooo gonna tweet about this!" Pony beamed, pulling out her phone and tapping on it.

Janna and Pony kept talking as Marco watched their interaction. He raised his eyebrows and started looking around, till his eyes landed at the exit of the attraction.

Star was speaking to someone, with her hand on her waist. He gestured to his phone and they posed beside each other, with their sunglasses on. They took a proper one, with the help of one of the staff. She smiled for the photo and shook their hands before waving goodbye.

Marco looked down as he felt a vibration in his pocket. He fished out his phone and held a straight mouth, staring at the screen. He tapped the screen and brought it to his ear.

"Hey Ferguson."

"Hey Marco, where are you?"

"I'm with Star and her friends. We just came out from a ride."

"Oh, alright. Can we meet you guys near the haunted house? They announced earlier that there will be a parade happening. And Alfonzo wanna apologies but too wimpy to do it"

"Hey! I'm not a whim." A voice in the background, probably Alfonzo, called out. Marco chuckled.

"Alright, I will see you guys there." Marco said before ending the call.

"Was that Ferguson?"

Marco looked up from his phone to Janna. He nodded and placed his phone into his pocket.

"They asked us to meet them at the Haunted House, because there is a parade happening later." Marco explained looking at Janna and Pony.

"Oooo, a Parade?" Pony beamed as her eyes went wide, making Janna and Marco chuckled.

"Let's go for it then." Star said, hooking her sunglasses on a belt loop.

"Yay! Let's move it bitches!" Pony exclaimed, dragging Janna with her, leaving Marco and Star dumbfounded. They looked at each other and chuckled, catching up to them.

On their journey to the Haunted House, they had to cross a long bridge that was over a river.

As they strolled along, Pony and Janna were chatting and laughing away, while Star and Marco followed behind silently. Marco looked over to Star, who was looking out at the sunset, with her hands behind her back.

"Did you like the ride?"

Marco's eyes widened and looked forward, blushing.

"Oh, ya. It was really fun. Thanks for the invite, Star." Marco replied as they met each other's gaze. Marco returned a smile while Star blushed and quickly looked away.

"No problem." Star muttered, causing Marco to snicker.

"Can I ask? Who is this 'Tom' guy?" Marco inquired. Star whipped her head to him, making them face each other and stop their stroll.

"Uhm...He...Uhm..." Star stuttered, hugging herself and darting her eyes from side to side. As Marco stared at her, he raised an eyebrow and smirked at her.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"N-No! He's not!" Star quickly said, crossing her arms over her chest, looking away.

"It's not good to lie, Star." Marco taunted. Star shot a glare at him.

"I'm not lying!" Star huffed and looked away. "Plus, I have someone I like anyway." she muttered, pouting.

"Really? Who is it?" Marco teased, causing Star's eyes to widen. She glanced over to see Marco getting closer to her.

"N-None of your business, Diaz." Star stammered, avoiding his gaze.

"Aww, why not? Aren't we friends, Star?" Marco smirked as he towered over her, making her blush deepened.

"Go away Marco!" Star called out, immediately covering her face with her hands. He snickered at her reaction.

There were a string of dings heading towards them. Marco turned to the noise and noticed a bike going down the bridge at an alarming speed. Marco's eyes widened and quickly grabbed Star and pulled her close to him, turning a 180.

"I'm sorry! My bike's brakes aren't working!" the cyclist shouted quickly as he zoomed past them. Marco watched as the cyclist swiftly avoided the crowds, before looking down at Star. Her hands were not on her face anymore, but her face was buried into his shirt.

"You okay, Star?" Marco asked. 

Star nodded, brushing her face against his shirt.

She lifted her head and looked up at Marco. Marco smiled and noticed a few strands of her hair stuck to her cheeks. He tugged them behind her ear and looked back at Star.

As they gazed at each other, the sunset started to peek out behind him, making Star's eyes sparkle and vibrant. It coloured her cheeks and made them glow. It was another sight of Star in a different light. The more Marco stared at her, the more he didn't want to look away.

"Yo lovebirds, what's taking you guys so long?" 

Marco and Star looked over as Janna placed her hand over her mouth while Pony's eyes widened. She lifted up her phone to take a picture of them.

Marco and Star turned to each other and Marco immediately let go and took a few quick steps back . He shifted his eyes down, rubbing the back of his neck.

After a while, he looked over to Star, who was still standing in place, but with her hands at her side and her head hung low.

"Sorry, Star. There was a bike and-"

"It's fine." 

Marco watched with a blank face as she ran off to her friends.

"Did we miss something?" Janna cheekily asked Star as she arrived.

"Nothing, Janna." Star said bluntly, walking past her friends with her head hung low.

Janna raised an eyebrow and turned back to Marco, who was scratching his head and staring at the ground.

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