Chapter 9.1

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It's been a few days since Marco accepted Jackie's apology.

Jackie did as she promised, and Marco couldn't be more than happier until he thought of Star. Every time he looked at her, he felt nothing but guilt. So, he decided to avoid her all together. At times, Star would call out to him, but Marco would act like he didn't hear her and walked away, quicker than usual.

"Hey dude, have you been avoiding Star recently?" Ferguson asked.

They were at their usual outdoor bench but were instead bundled up in their jackets and this time, without Jackie.

"Uhm..." Marco trailed off, shifting his gaze away.

"So you have been avoiding her," Marco's eyes widened and turned his attention to his friends. Did you guys fight or something?" Alfonzo prompted, leaning closer to him.

"N-No, we didn't."

"So, what's with the avoiding then?" Ferguson asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Marco leaned away and stared at his friends' perplexed faces. He quickly looked away and started scratching his head with both hands.

"What? Marco, are you okay?" Alfonzo asked.

"Why are you guys asking about Star? Why do you guys care so much about her?" Marco spat out glaring at his friends, who had their hands up, palms facing towards him.

"Whoa, we just asked dude. We noticed and thought what had happened because you guys are friends right?" Alfonzo assured.

Marco softened his gaze and looked away.

"Sorry. I need to prepare for the rehearsal later," Marco said, getting out of his seat. "See you guys there." 

Alfonzo and Ferguson looked at each other then watched as Marco walked away from them.

Marco was walking along the hallway, with his head hung low. As he walked, he noticed a pair of boots, with black tights sticking out, in front of him. He looked up to see who it was.

"What's with you?" Star asked, with her hands on her waist. She was staring at him with a corner of her lips curled down.

"Uhm..." Marco quickly averted his eyes, avoiding her gaze. "I have a lot on my mind lately and I wanted to be alone..." Marco trailed off. Star raised an eyebrow and sighed, lowering her hands to her side.

"If it's about Jackie, I understand. She's probably going to apologise someday." 

Marco looked over but quickly looked away.

"Ya...she will." Marco mumbled.

"Hey, don't worry about it, I'm here for you." Star said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Marco looked over and looked her up and down. Star had her hair down and was wearing a leather jacket over a white A-line dress. Marco gave a half-smile, which Star returned.

"Alright, see you around Diaz." Star said, putting her hands into her jacket, walking past him. He shifted his eyes around and tapped his feet. He clenched his feet and turned around.

"Hey Star!" Marco called out.

Star stopped in her tracks and hummed a tune, turning around slightly.

"Are you coming to the rehearsal later?" Marco asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

Star raised an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms over her chest.


"Uhm... because I heard only the student committee and the teachers are supposed to be there."

Star turned to face Marco and stared, while he avoided her gaze and folded his arm.

"Hmm...I guess they forgot to announce it to the school." Marco lifted his head as Star was staring at the ceiling while tapping her chin.

"Y-Ya, you know how it is here." Marco stuttered, managing a half-smile.

"If that's the case, can you meet me at the bridge?" 

Marco froze and tilted his head. He watched, with a perplexed expression, as Star pulled out her phone from the inner pocket of her leather jacket.

"What bridge?"

"I'll text you. But I think you know what it is. It has a big waterfall behind it." Star briefly explained, tapping on her phone.

Marco felt his phone vibrated and was reaching into his pocket.

"See ya Marco." 

Marco lifted head and watched as Star ran off and took a turn, disappearing from his sight.

Marco let out a sigh and stuffed his hands into his jacket's pockets. He swiftly turned around.

"I really hope she doesn't come." Marco thought, walking away down the empty hallway to the rehearsal venue.

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