Chapter 18 Part 3.1

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After a few rides, they made their way to the restaurant that Marco booked. It was only a walking distance away from the pier, and they managed to get their table faster because of Star.

"Star, you sure are some celebrity." Marco said, taking a seat at their table.

"Well, I'm not one. It's just the name, Marco." Star said, taking a seat as well, opening up the menu.

"Regardless, your name did help us here." Marco responded, staring at the menu, while Star hummed a tune.

"Hello and welcome to the Luna Estrella. I'll be your waiter today: Adrian. Are you guys ready to order?"

Marco and Star nodded with a smile.

After Adrian walked away with their orders and menus, Star shifted her chair closer to the table.

"You okay?" Marco asked.

Star looked over and sat up in her chair.

"Ya. I'm okay. I just don't like being far from the table." Star explained with a smile.

"Oh. Is it something to do with your royal etiquette?"

"Ya, but it's also my preference. Back then at Disneyland, I was really uncomfortable but managed to work with it." Star explained, with her hands on her lap, looking out the window. Marco raised an eyebrow at her and leaned closer to the table.

"Why did you go through all of that, Star? Being all bratty to me, especially on the day we first met at the pier." Marco asked, resting his cheek on his knuckle. Star looked over but quickly shifted her gaze at the empty plate in front of her.

"Uhm...If you heard my last log..." Star tucked her hair behind her ear. She rested her hand below her plate. "You know I was trying to fall out of love for you and not encounter any moments we both will experience that made me love you."

"Ya, I know that. But, why bratty?"

Star looked up as they held their gaze at each other.

"Uh...I took some mental notes...that you don't like those types of girls." Marco raised both eyebrows. "I mean, that's why you liked Jackie, right? She's not bratty or mean to people." Star explained with a sad smile. Marco sat up in his seat.

"Well..." He squeezed his eyes closed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You got me there."

Star chuckled as Marco relaxed his expression.

"Regardless, I'm glad we both didn't go through with it; With me wanting to fall out of love with you and you not liking me because of how I acted..." Star trailed off, looking out the window, as Marco stared at her with his hand on his lap.

"To be honest, even though I realised my feelings for you later on, I still did fall in love with you despite how you acted."

Star whipped her head to Marco, who was smiling at her.

"Ya. I was just a bit slow in realising it. Too slow as a matter of fact," Marco rubbed the back of his neck. "I would always recall those moments we had together back then and always look forward to seeing you in school, even though you didn't want to."

Marco looked over and was met with Star's wide eyes .

"It's definitely not because I like bratty girls, but rather...I like you. No...I love you." Marco smiled widely at her as red coloured her cheeks.

Star chuckled and looked down at her wrist. She grazed her fingers over the silver bracelet that Marco got her and smiled. She looked back at him then reached out to her cup of water.

"Well, guess I should disappear more often, so that you can finally say all these nice things to me." Star said sarcastically, before taking a sip.

"Please don't. I can't handle another one, especially now that I love you." Marco said quickly, furrowing his eyebrows. Star laughed as she pulled her cup away from her.

"It's a joke, Marco. But seriously though, after so many runs, it was my first time running away. The fact you managed to fall for me or find out about your feelings for me, after I ran...It's really...something." Star said, resting her cup on the table and her elbows on the arm rest.

"Either way, don't do that again okay?"

"I won't, Marco. I'm happy with where I am now. Trust me." Star confessed, and they both exchanged smiles.

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