Chapter 10.1

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"Breaking News! This just in: Star Butterfly, the last of the Royal Butterfly family line and Mewman descendant, is reported missing. It was said that she had run out of a school: Echo Creek Academy, on a Wednesday afternoon and has not returned home ever since. Her parents, Moon and River Butterfly, have commenced a town search for her, with this to say:"

The news, on the television, transitioned to Star's parents exiting the police department. They were stopped, a few steps away from the entrance, by the many flashing cameras and microphones pointed towards them, but were blocked by two large men in suits, probably their bodyguards. Star's mother: Moon tapped on the men's shoulder and they moved aside, allowing the paparazzi to inch closer.

"My daughter...Star...She's uhm...a caring and loving girl. She never did anything wrong and was not a trouble for me and her father." Moon spoke into the many microphones.

She looked over to her husband, who had his hand behind her. They shared a look before Moon turned to the news's recording camera with a glare.

"Something happened to her...and we want to find her before getting to the bottom of this." Moon threatened.

The news then cut back to the News Anchor lady.

"Search parties are still out looking for Star Butterfly and if you happen to have any leads. Please contact the number flashing on the screen now. Tha-"

The television screen turned to black, revealing Marco sitting up on the sofa with eyes still glued on the screen.

"That's enough, Marco."

Marco looked over his shoulder to see his mother walking in. He slumped his shoulders and placed the now damp ice pack on the cushion beside him. As Marco sat in the centre, his mother took the other seat beside him and placed the remote behind her. His mother looked over as Marco shifted his gaze to the rug. She pursed her lips and sighed.

"Listen...I know you feel that it's your fault. But...she will come back..."

Marco whipped his head to his mother.

"Mom...It is my fault. She ran out during my speech and left her bracelet at the place we were supposed to meet. How could you say it's not my fault?"

He hadn't noticed the tremble in his voice, till sadness clouded his mother's eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows and shifted his eyes to the rug again.

"I just-I just don't want you to worry..." his mother soothed, placing a hand on his shoulder. Marco nudged it off and rose to his seat.

He began to pace in circles, with his hands pressed over his eyelids. Through the space between his fingers, he spotted his mother watching with the same expression at him.

"Mom...I broke my promise to her and lied to her..." His voice was trembling and he clenched his fist. He straightened his arm, with his hands still in fists, glaring at his mother. "How could I not worry when I haven't heard anything back from her, but left numerous voice messages and all I have left of her is her f**king bracelet!"

Startled, his mother pressed her hand over her mouth and looked away. His glaring eyes widened, realising what he said. He unclenched his fists and his body began to go limp, as he hung his head low. His mother shakingly looked over as Marco slowly fell to his knees, with hands pressed onto the back of his head.

"I may have killed her... She might really be gone, mom..." Marco mumbled before breaking into tears.

His mother watched helplessly as her son drowned himself in his guilt and distress in front of her. She slowly crawled down to his side and pulled him into a tight hug, as Marco cried into his hands. hoping it could take away his pain, even just a little. 

As she held him tightly, in the hopes of taking away his pain, even just a little, the room was filled with the sound of Marco's sobs and cries.

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