Chapter 16 Part 3.1

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"Mmm..." Star groaned softly, squinting her eyes.

She hovered her hand over her eyes and looked away as the sun rays shone through the window. She brought her hand to her eyes and rubbed them. As she slowly lifted herself off, she immediately froze from a tightened grip. She looked down to see Marco sleeping by her side and his hand holding hers. She blushed and smiled at the touching sight.

She carefully slid herself closer while making quick glances over to him. She laid on her side and gazed at him. His eyes closed and his quiet snoring were enough to make Star crinkle up her eyes and nose.

She leaned in and lightly pushed part of his fringe, causing him to stir in his sleep. Star quickly retracted her hand and his eyes began to flutter open. His eyes widened and they stared intently at each other. Star chuckled and placed her fingers on her lips.

"Morning, Marco." Star cooed, blushing. Marco chuckled. His hand left hers and was now on her cheek.

"Morning Star." Marco greeted softly as he caressed her cheek. Star closed her eyes and brought her hand to his hand, pressing it closer to her cheek.

"How are you feeling?" Marco whispered, keeping his gaze on her.

"Better. Now that you're here." Star replied, opening her eyes, flashing a sweet smile. Marco rose to his feet and leaned in, planting a kiss on her forehead. Star giggled softly and watched as he pulled away.

She released his hand, lifted herself off the bed and began to sit up on it, while Marco pulled his hands into his jacket's pockets and gazed at her.

"Do you need anything?" Marco asked with his head tilt to the side, in which Star shook her head in response.

"Okay...I need to use your washroom. Don't do anything, okay?" Marco warned, eyeing her. Star chuckled and nodded. As he entered the washroom he let out a yawn before closing the door behind him.

After a while, Marco walked out the washroom and saw that Star was staring out the window. He closed the door and walked up to Star.

"You okay?" Marco asked, placing his hand on the tops of her head. She turned to him

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Star assured with a half-smile.

"After yesterday, I am." Marco stated worriedly, stroking her head.

"I'm fine, Marco. I promise." Star said, taking his hand off her head to her lips.

Marco sighed as she caressed his hand

"Can you promise that you will tell me if you're not?"

Star lifted her head and stared at Marco, who had one corner of his lips curled down. She shifted her eyes down and stared at one corner of the room.


Star looked back at him who had tightened his grip on hers. She shifted her gaze down and drew a long breath in. She looked back up and stared at him.

"Okay. I promise" Star answered, holding her gaze.

Marco curled the corner of his lips up and kissed her on the cheeks. Star smiled as she watched him pull away. His hand reached into his back pocket.

"I have to let your parents know that you're awake." Marco explained tapping onto his phone.

"You have their number?" Star questioned, raising her eyebrows.

"Ya, they gave it to me a while back." Marco explained, pushing the phone against his ear.

Star mouthed an "oh" and stared at him. Marco looked over to Star and raised an eyebrow. He looked down at the arm near his face and smirked.

"Do you want it back?"

Star broke her trance and began to move animatedly.

" I looks nice on you...that all." Star stammered, staring hard at her bed and blushing deeply. Marco chuckled till the ringing ended.

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