Chapter 16 Part 3.4

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"Come in." Star called out, staring at the door.

The door swung open as Marco entered. Star's eyes widened and she quickly looked out the window. As Marco closed the door, he looked back to see Star ignoring him. He let out a sigh and proceeded to walk up to her.

"I got you something." Marco said, placing the bag on her nightstand. He looked over to her and she still kept her gaze out the window.

"What is it?" Star said unamused.

"Why not you have a look for yourself."

Star looked over to Marco, who was wearing a grin on his face.

Star shifted her gaze down and pouted, before letting out a sigh. She turned around and grabbed the bag off the nightstand. She placed the bag on her bed and knelt in front of it . She looked inside while Marco walked over and sat on the chair beside her bed.

As Star started taking out the wrappers from the bag, she froze as she stared wide-eyed inside. She looked over to Marco, who was still grinning. She returned her attention to what is inside the bag then pulled out a medium sized jewellery box. She slowly sat down on her bed, gazing at it. She looked back at Marco again and raised an eyebrow.

"Open it." Marco requested, resting his elbows on his lap.

"Why did you buy something for me?" Star questioned dejectedly. "I thought you were angry at me." She mumbled, looking away.

Marco sighed. He walked up to her bed and sat on it. He brought his legs onto the bed and sat criss-crossed in front of her. Star looked over and had both her eyebrows raised.

"I'm not angry at you...not entirely. I was more worried about you...and you don't seem to see it when you didn't want to take the medicine."

"I do see it, Marco...the fact you're still here the day after you found me shows it. I just think that...I don't want any false hope anymore."

Marco raised an eyebrow at her as Star stared down at the box.

"What do you mean?" Marco asked.

"The day I went to the doctors with Janna, it was the first time I ever went about them." Star confessed, resting the box on her lap. "Throughout my runs, I never tried going because I was too focused on getting out of it. Then when I got every medicine that can help...I was hopeful that maybe it wasn't about me being stuck in the time loop." Star explained, keeping her gaze on the box, while Marco furrowed his eyebrows.

"Of turned out to be true. But when I ran away, I still took them with me because I promised Janna I would and making her worried about me at that time was enough to make me take the pills, even though I used to not do it when she's around."

Star looked over to him and they held a blank stare. She shifted her eyes back at the box.

"Regardless of Mr Michael witnessing the headaches, I was just confident that it won't work, which led to our little...fight." Star mumbled the last part and pouted.

Marco snickered and reached out his hand behind her head, causing her to look up at him. He pulled her into a kiss on the lips and deepened it, while Star froze in place. She started to relax and her hands fled to his cheeks, deepening the kiss. Marco slowly pulled away and gazed at her lovingly.

"I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I really don't want to lose you again..." Marco said softly. Star blushed and shifted her gaze down.

"I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have pushed you away when you only care about me...and love me so much..." Star said sheepishly while Marco chuckled. Star looked up and smiled before Marco planted another kiss on her lips.

"Can you open your present now?" Marco gazed at her with a grin. Star smiled and nodded.

Marco retracted his hand to his side and watched Star open up her present. As she lifted the lid up, her eyes widened. Her fingers slowly graced the bracelet inside. It was a 925-sterling silver bracelet with a silver heart charm and a 'S' initial on it.

Star looked up to Marco, who was looking away.

"It was your birthday a few days ago and I realised I didn't get you anything. Will that be okay?" Marco asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Star smiled and crawled to him, wrapping one arm around him while the other was holding the box closed to her chest.

"I love it, Marco. Thank you." Star smiled as Marco looked down at her and smiled, returning the hug.

After Star pulled away, she began putting on the bracelet, as delicate as possible. She looked down at the bracelet on her wrist and smiled. She whipped her head up and had her eyes widen, causing Marco to raise an eyebrow at her.

"I didn't get anything for yours too! Ahh, no wonder I felt like I forgot something when I went to see you at the playground." Star grunted, smacking her hand on her forehead, hanging her head low.

Marco chuckled and crawled over to her. Star noticed the bed shifting ang opened her eyes. She watched as Marco pulled her into a hug.

"I don't need any. Because...You're the best present I ever have." Marco whispered burying his face into her shoulder. Star started to tear up and returned the hug as she sobbed quietly.

"Don't cry Star..." Marco said, pulling away and looking at her worriedly.

"How could I not...I made you so worried...and...I never knew this day could happen...I'm so sorry, Marco..." Star sobbed, wiping her tears with her sleeve. Marco started furrowing his eyebrows and immediately pulled her into a hug again. Star gripped onto his jacket, sobbing into his chest.

He tightened his hug around her, hoping her cries will subside and she will never leave him again.

Two more to go!!

Stay tune!

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