Chapter 11.2

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The next day, Marco was treading his boots, with gloved hands in his jacket's pocket, on the stone pavement.

The air was colder and the unusual snow phenomenon was still casting over LA. Marco opted for a dark brown coat and a black scarf that was wrapped around his neck. Under it, he complimented it with a grey turtleneck sleeve, black pants and boots.

Marco looked to his right and turned to face it; The lights in Star's house were on. Marco looked to the gate then at the doorbell button beside it.

"We're friends, right?" Star called out, which Marco darted his eyes to Star.

She was standing in front of him, with her arms crossed, looking away. She was wearing the outfit she wore to his house that time. Marco chuckled and smiled.

"Ya...Ya we are." Marco said as he walked past her, pressing the doorbell.

The sound of the doorbell rang inside the house. Marco looked to his side and whipped his head to the front door as it opened.

"Star?" Moon said as she appeared behind the door. She had her hair down with her eyes widened and her eyebrows raised.

"She looks almost like Star..." Marco thought as they stared at each other in silence.

"Can I help you with something?" Moon asked. 

Marco blinked a few times and lightly shocked his head.

"Uhm, yes...I'm Marco Diaz. I'm a...friend of your daughter." Marco hesitated,  looking down and rubbing the back of his head.

He glanced over to see Moon still standing behind the door, but with a softened gaze. He looked down, shifting his weight between his feet.

"May I come in?" Marco asked sheepishly as he curled his shoulders.

"Of course, my boy. Please! Come in!" River shouted, pushing the door open, breaking the tension with a startle. Moon watched as River marched to the gate, holding Marco wide-eyed gaze. She shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows at her husband.

"River!" Moon called out as River unlocked the gate, pushing the gate open for Marco.

"Oh, please my dearest." River looked over to his wife with a smile. "The boy is freezing, and he might be able to help us find our daughter." River hinted. 

Moon opened her mouth, but closed it right away as she hugged herself, looking away. Marco twisted his lips and looked over to River.

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you guys unc-." 

"Nonsense! Please come in." River urged, putting his arm around Marco. 

As River pulled him through the gate, Marco gently kicked the gate closed and hobbled over, trying to catch up to him. Managing to match his speed, Moon quickly stepped aside as her husband walked Marco into the house, leaving her at the doorknob. 

She dropped her head into her hand and let out a sigh. She dragged her face as she pulled the door close by the doorknob. 

In Star's home, to compliment the darker shade of pink, the walls were painted rose pink, while the high ceiling was painted ivory.

Marco stared in awe at the place as he removed his coat and gloves, laying them beside him on the beige Victorian sofa. The high-ceiling living area was well furnished and decorated with a white stone fireplace. On both sides, there were two tall bookshelves that reached the second floor. He took a seat in the middle of the three-seater, in front of the polished coffee table. he brought his hands together and looked to the decorations on the top of the fireplace. 

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