Chapter 17.1

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As the limousine pulled up in front of Star's home, Moon and River began to exit out of it. River proceeded to open the gate, while Moon held the door open. Star stumbled out in a mint knee-length dress, with a cropped white cardigan tied in a knot, and light pink sneakers. 

As she pulled herself to her feet, with Marco assisting behind, her mother went to her side and walked her out as Marco alighted with a pair of crutches. Star pouted.

"I'm so not looking forward to using those." Star sighed.

"Well, you have to use them. You haven't been able to stand up properly because of yesterday." Marco explained, closing the limousine's door with his free hand.

Star grunted, pouting. Moon snickered

"Why don't you carry her, Marco? It will just be for this one time."

Marco and Star whipped their heads to her with wide eyes.


"Oh, don't act so innocent around me. Let me take those crutches." Moon waved off, reaching out her hand to Marco.

He looked over to Star, who was blushing and staring hard at the pavement. He chuckled, looked back at Moon and handed her the crutches. He walked over to her.

"Marco! W-Wh-" Star stammered as Marco tucked his arms behind her back and knees. He picked her up in a bridal style.

"I know you want me to." Marco smirked at her as she stared, laying still in his arms.

Her blush reddened and she pulled her hands over her face. Marco chuckled and nodded at Moon, before walking through the gate. Moon snickered and trailed behind, closing the gate in the process.

River held the door open for Marco and gave him a wink. He coughed a laugh and stepped into the house. He looked over and Star was still covering her face, but also burying into Marco's jacket.

Marco walked into the living room and slowly lowered her onto the three-seater sofa, sitting her up. He looked up and smiled. Despite sitting up, Star still had her hands over her face, blushing madly. He leaned in and kissed them, before walking to the entrance to take off his boots.

Star opened her fingers and peeked through the space between them, watching Marco walk away from her. She let out a sigh and placed her hands on her lap. She noticed her shoes were still on and reached over to take them out.

"Oh, I'll help you with that."

A pair of hands came into view and Star froze, watching as it pulled a lace from its end. Her eyes widened and she immediately lifted her head up to see Mr McArthur kneeling in front of her. Star immediately shuffled away from him.

"Ah! Who are you!? What are you doing here!?" Star screamed.

She lifted herself up but stumbled and fell onto the sofa again, as her hand slid across it.

"Marco!" Star called out.

"Boy, you sure are lively for someone who came back from the hospital."

Star looked over, wide eyes still, to Mr McArthur. He was watching her with an eyebrow raised and an arm resting on his knee.

Marco walked in and was met with a staring contest between Mr McArthur and Star. He looked over to Star, who was frozen in place, then back to Mr McArthur.

"Did you go and scare her or something?" Marco asked, walking over to him.

Mr McArthur chuckled and rose to his feet. He looked over to him

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