Chapter 5.6

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Despite the awkward encounters, they managed to complete their assignment before the day was done. 

Marco insisted on walking Star home as it was getting dark, in which Star reluctantly accepted. As they walked along the dimly lit pavement, they kept at least five feet apart from each other, avoiding any eye contact.

"Uhm, could you wait here for a moment?"

Marco looked over to Star, who was facing forward. They stopped near a bend and in front of a traffic light. Marco nodded and watched Star walk ahead before making a turn at the bend. Marco let out a sigh and stuffed his hands into his jean's pockets.

"I wonder what she's doing." Marco thought to himself leaning against a wall. He glanced over to where she went then back at his phone again, for the third time.

As he kept scrolling, Star appeared, running up to him.

"Sorry to keep you." Star said quickly with her back hunched forward, catching her breath.

"It's fine. What were you doing anyways?" Marco asked, standing on his two feet and putting his phone into his back pocket.

Star didn't respond but lifted her right arm towards him. On her wrist, it was a multi-colored bracelet, made up of acrylic stars and hearts. There was also a tiny charm dangling from it, bouncing light off of it.

Marco stared at it intently, till Star dropped her arm and stood upright.

"I lost it recently and went to search for it." Star explained, looking down at her bracelet.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me then? We would have been able to find it quicker."

Star groaned.

"We would be there for the whole night." She looked over and stuffed her hands into the pockets of her denim jacket. "I know you would search every square inch of that place." Star stated bluntly.

"That's an exaggeration of how I work, personally. I'm just meticulous and a great detective." Marco commented with a smirk at the end. 

Star rolled her eyes and turned to the traffic light.

"Ya ya, believe what you think. I don't believe you are a great detective anyways." Star argued, walking off. Marco raised an eyebrow and ran to her side.

"You don't believe me? Okay, hear this: Back in middle school, I was able to find who stole the class's hamster with little to no evidence. You know who it did; it was my class bully: Gregory Hudson. A name that matches a spoiled brat and douche. He wasn't considered a suspect because he was rich, but the bite marks on his hands and bruising on his knees were enough for me to confront him in front of the class." Marco proclaimed with his chest puffed out.

Star narrowed her eyes and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Did he really do it?" Star asked, looking ahead.

"He confessed on that day, and the hamster was returned safe and sound." Marco replied, with his head lifted and his hands at the back of it.

Star stared at his smug face, before letting out a scoff. She looked forward and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Childhood stories don't prove much, Marco. You said there was little to no evidence, yet the evidence you found on Gregory were clear indicators. The fact you and your class didn't suspect him, really shows how careless you were."

Marco looked down at Star, opened and closed his mouth, before slumping his shoulders looking down.

"Regardless, I will give you the benefit of doubt. But you definitely can't prove to me you are who you think you are." Star said bluntly before walking further ahead, leaving Marco behind staring at her with a straight mouth.

They reached Star's home and it was bigger than Marco's. There was a large fence around it and the house was almost about 3 storeys high. As Marco examined the house, the sound of Star unlocking the gate caught his attention.

"Bye Marco." Star said as she opened her gate.

"Wait Star." Marco called out, making Star stop in place. She let go of the gate and turned around, facing him with a blank expression.

"Uhm, you know you told me to stay away from you that day, can we not do that?" Marco asked, looking down and rubbing the back of his neck.

Star raised an eyebrow and eyed him up and down.

"I didn't mean it, Marco."

Marco shot his head up and looked over to Star.

"You didn't mean it?"

"Ya, we're friends, right?" Star inquired looking away, stuffing her hands into her jacket's pocket. Marco froze in place and held a blank expression but was quickly replaced with a smile.

"Ya we are." Marco responded, making Star look over with her eyebrows raised.

"I realised you have been calling me by my name the whole day." Marco pointed out, grinning at her. Star froze as her cheeks started to blush.

"Uhm, c-c-cause like I said, we're friends. And I won't call my friends by nicknames." Star quickly said before swiftly turning her head away, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Heh, I see. Then, I hope we stay as friends. I prefer you calling my name."

Star whipped her head to Marco, who was gazing at her with a wide smile plastered on his face.

Star's blush deepened. Her eyes darted to the ground and she began muttering to herself. Marco chuckled and took a step closer and petted her head. Star froze and slowly looked up at him. As they gazed at each other, Marco began to realise what was going on and started to blush as Star's blush deepened even more.

She shifted her gaze and landed a punch on his stomach. He flinched and let out a groan. He bent forward, clenching his stomach as Star quickly ran and locked her gate.

"As someone who respects her space, please don't touch me again, you pervert!" Star shouted before running into the house.

The sound of the front door being slammed erupted. Marco then leaned and slid down the metal railing at the road, groaning in pain.

Despite being friends with Star, he still can't get away from her punches.

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