Chapter 13.4

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"Is there anything else, Mr Lucitor?"

"No. Please leave us alone, thank you." Tom dismissed the nurse and the bodyguards.

They nodded and made their way out of the room. Marco watched as the door closed shut then turned his attention to Tom, who was taking a sip of his tea from a porcelain teacup.

"You can have some if you like." Tom said, looking over.

"N-No, it's okay. I'm fine." Marco said politely, which Tom nodded and resumed on his tea.

After he was done with his tea, he placed the teacup and its dish on the bedside stand, with Marco's assistance.

"So, what do you want to know?" Tom said, looking at him nonchalantly.

"Everything. Like the day she was with you before your surgery and till the end." Marco answered, leaning himself forward, resting his elbows on his lap. Tom shifted his attention to Star's bracelet, dangling from his wrist, then back to Marco.

"Before that, I want to know how you got her bracelet." Tom ordered, eyeing him.

Marco inhaled quickly, sitting up from his seat and placing his arms on his lap. He cleared his throat.

"On the day she disappeared, before my speech, she asked me to meet her somewhere. After...the incident...I ran to see if she was at the place we were supposed to meet, but she wasn't. Only her bracelet." Marco explained, watching Tom's absent expression.

"I see..." Tom trailed off. "It looks different. Did something happen to it?" Tom asked.

"Oh...uhm...Me and Pony had a falling out and we accidentally broke it. She fixed it up and returned to me after we made up." Marco explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

Tom let out a sigh.

"At least it's fixed. I gave that to her."

Marco froze then looked over to Tom, who was now looking out his window.

"You gave it to her?"

" was the first present I gave her when we were together, except for that trinket. That's from her mom."

"Ya I know about that." Marco said while Tom hummed a tune.

After a while, Marco broke the silence.

"I heard from Star...that you met her when you guys were young."

"Hm. Ya. My family would go over to her place and she and I would play, while our parents talk business." Tom said before looking over Marco.

Marco nodded and sat into his seat, relaxing his posture. He rubbed his palms together slowly: Should he ask?

"Why did you guys break up?" Marco asked. He asked.

Tom raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Uhm...Just curious that's all."

Tom scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Ever hear the phrase: Curiosity killed the cat, Marco?"

Marco squinted at him.

"A simple no would sufficed, Tom."

"Well, you still asked. So, I killed you."

Marco let out a loud frustrated sigh and hung his head low.

"She broke up with me because she couldn't deal with me anymore."

Marco lifted his head, peeking over to see Tom staring down at his hand with a frown.

"I wasn't the best... whenever we quarrel, I tend to lash out more. How she decided to be friends afterwards, is still a mystery to me."

Marco stared at Tom and sat up in his seat.

"She probably treasures your friendship with her more. So, she didn't want to ruin it, just cause you guys can't work out as a couple."

Tom looked to Marco, who had a half-smile on his face. Tom looked forward and slumped his shoulders.

"I guess...then why did she leave?...Leaving me when I was in a coma...Did she think it was the perfect time to do so, cause I won't be able to go after her..." Tom stammered looking down.

Marco shifted his gaze to the window, where the sun had began to set behind a tall building across the hospital.

"Tell me what happened before your surgery." Marco requested again, looking back at Tom, who had lifted his head.

They stared at each other in silence till Tom let out a long exhale.

"Okay. I'll tell you."

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