Chapter 24: Broken Bonds

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I changed the cover of the book! I think it looks cooler. Eh. Onto the chapter.


After the battle with the Hydraean, Noctis awoke in a room in Altissia. Groaning as he felt some pains and bruises from the fight.

Sitting up, he sees Ignis sitting on one of the chairs.

Ignis: Back with us?

Ignis struggles to get up, which was noticed by Noctis. He then noticed the new dark glasses he has.

Ignis: I'll tell the others...though it may take a bit.

Noctis: You're hurt...

Ignis got what he was saying, which he was referring to his eyes.

Ignis: Ah. A small sacrifice in the greater battle.

Noctis: And Luna?

The advisor only turned the other way towards the door, his head low.

Ignis: ...She has passed.

The Crown Prince opens his gloved hand as he begins to cry. In his hand was the Ring of Lucii.

Ignis: Umbra left that for you.

The advisor then leaves the room, Noctis glancing over to his right. Over there was the notebook he and Lunafreya would use to communicate. He opened the book, skimming through the pages and sees a new entry.

Lunafreya had left a picture of a sylleblossom. Just like she did when he last saw her. He clenches his fist the ring was in, letting his tears out as he mourns the loss of his love.

A Few Days Later...

Noctis and his entourage were waiting outside on the port of Altissia. Soon, Ignis, Gladiolus, Prompto, and Y/N walk up to the saddened prince. Gladiolus gestures to Y/N and Prompto to help Ignis onto the royal vessel. The two nod and help lead Ignis.

Gladiolus turns around and calls to Noctis, who begrudgingly moves from his spot and heads out with them.

The Scourge of the Stars

Several Days Later...

The Prince and his crew were riding a train, heading towards an area that was controlled by Niflheim. As they rode, Noctis looked out the window, sighing sadly.

Prompto: So...we're gonna roll through Tenebrae.

Y/N: But first we're visiting the royal tomb in Cartanica.

Ignis: Yes, that's the first order of business.

Prompto: Y-You sure you're up to that?

Ignis: (sigh) The wounds have mended. Eyesight's a matter of time.

Frustrated, Gladiolus gets up from his seat, scowling as he looks towards the silent prince.

Gladiolus: The hell is wrong with you?

Noctis: (irritated) What?

Y/N: Gladio?

Gladiolus: We're not stopping in Tenebrae. You need to grow up and get over it.

Noctis: (stands up) I am over it. I'm here, aren't I?

Gladiolus: Maybe when you're not too busy moping you can look around and give a shit about someone worse off than you.

Y/N: Gladio, that's enough.

Gladiolus grabs Noctis by his jacket, the prince getting even more irritated.

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