Chapter 16: Scepter of the Pious

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After that eventful night with the encounter of one of the empire's commodores, Aranea Highwind, Noctis and his entourage were driving to Cape Caem in order to gain passage to the city of Altissia.

Iris: And away we go.

Gladiolus: I coulda gone another round.

Ignis: Given her prowess, you should be glad you didn't.

Prompto: Yeah, that Loqi guy was nothing compared to her.

Y/N: Didn't he die?

Ignis: No, he escaped at the last second when we fought him at the Norduscean Blockade. Though we may not have fared so well without the marshal.

Prompto: Think things would've gone differently if he were here now?

Gladiolus: She offered to play again. Maybe we'll get the chance to find out.

Noctis: And someone caught her eye.

Y/N: (groans) Piss off, Noct.

Prompto: It's no fair! Y/N always got the ladies.

Y/N: Need I remind you, I didn't give a damn? Most of them were just after my standing as a noble.

Prompto: That still didn't change the fact that you had so many girls after you!

Y/N: I'm not having this conversation anymore.

They then pass Fort Vaullerey, heading onward to Caem. Prompto then sees a pathway off to the right.

Prompto: Is it just me, or is this place beggin' to be explored?

Noctis: Never been one to turn down an invitation.

Y/N: Sure. I'm down.

Ignis: If what they say about the Malmalam Thicket is true...

Gladiolus: Then we might just find what we're looking for here.

Ignis then makes a right, going down the dirt road and parking in the parking area. Feeling the need to explore, they venture down to Malmalam Thicket, hoping to find something.

Prompto: I don't like the woods. Too many monsters.

Gladiolus: You kidding? What could be better than roughing it out here?

Prompto: A million other things could be better.

Iris: Oh! While you guys were gone, I saw a chocobo run past and it had a person on its back! Have you guys ever ridden one before? I bet it'd be super fun!

Prompto: (chuckles) Funny you should ask...right, Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm, I may or may not have renewed our tickets to ride chocobos. So, Noct?

 Ignis: Noct, call a bird for the lady.

Taking out the chocobo whistle, six chocobos come running in. Iris was ecstatic, jumping in joy as there was a pink colored chocobo for her to ride.

The others then get on their respective chocobos and start to ride towards Malmalam Thicket.

Getting off their chocobos, they come across a wooden bridge, some enemies awaiting them by the riverside as they ran across.

Gladiolus: Another one to wrap up quick.

Prompto: It's a good chance to earn some experience points.

Noctis: Is this a game to you?

Prompto: (shrugs) Sort of. Just trying to level up here, dude.

Y/N: Don't blame me if you die then. You'll just respawn, right?

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