Chapter 22: Plans and Negotiation

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Having just arrived in Altissia, Noctis and his crew were amazed at the sight. Cid had pulled in the royal vessel into the docks and they get off.

Prompto: What's next? Immigration?

Noctis: What do you mean? There's still more?

Y/N: Well, we have to pass through security here, so yes, there's still more.

Going through the empty line, they walk forward and the Altissian gatekeeper stops them.

Gatekeeper: Sir! What is the purpose of your visit?

Noctis: Purpose? Uh...Ignis, a little help.

Ignis: (sigh) Utterly hopeless. We are scholars of the culinary arts, and we've come to study the renowned cuisine of your fair nation.

Gatekeeper: Is that so? I wish you an enlightening stay.

Ignis: (to Noctis) Another one you owe me.

Y/N: Jeez, you need to work on your talking skills. Especially your negotiation ones. (mutters) At least he didn't recognize us.

With gained entry, they cross through the security checkpoint, now stepping foot onto the city on the water. They looked around at the sights.

Prompto had already pulled out his camera, scouting for spots and areas where he could use it for pictures. Y/N was taking in the architectural sights while Noctis, Ignis, and Gladiolus could see the delicious delicacies, Ignis taking notes on how they're made.

They stop as they turn to each other to discuss their plans.

Gladiolus: You wanna check Weskham's place out?

Prompto: Yeah. "Let's all go to Maagho!"

Ignis: Perhaps we'll even make it in time for tea.

Y/N: But it also can't hurt to explore the city, you know, get the lay of the land.

Noctis: Then we better start looking now.

They then start to walk around town, ogling the sight. Cid had stayed behind with the royal vessel.

Prompto: It's a photographer's dream.

Noctis: What a city.

Y/N:'s got the romantic factor to it

Noctis: Looking to swoon Aranea?

Y/N: The hell I am.

Noctis: It's still an option.

Woman 1: (gasp) They're extending the exhibit for Lady Lunafreya's wedding dress.

Woman 2: (gasp) The Vivenne Westwood? But wasn't that a memorial of her passing?

Woman 1: Well, now it's a memorial for her safe returning. Let's go see it while we still can!

Y/N: Ya hear that, Noct?

Prompto: Could that be the dress we read about in the papers?

Ignis: Doubtless. The designer's name is the same. 

Prompto: Wanna check it out?

Y/N: I'm down.

Gladiolus: That depends on the groom. Might still be a sore spot, what with his wedding getting called off.

Prompto: Who says we can't call it back on? It can still happen.

Y/N: Sure, walk up to the governor of Altissia and say, "Hey, we found the dead prince and he's still alive. Let's get the wedding back on!" Not unless you want an ass load of magitek troopers on us.

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