Chapter 5: Axe of the Conqueror

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After leaving the Tomb of the Wise, Noctis and his crew, plus Cor, head to the next royal tomb where the prince can collect another royal arm.

Noctis: So just how many of these "powers" are out there?

Cor: There are thirteen known royal arms, each enshrined at a royal tomb, though we know the location of only a few. I've enlisted the help of the Hunters. They comb the land in search of the lost tombs.

Y/N: Where's the one you mentioned? The one nearby.

Cor: Keycatrich Trench. We know there to be a crypt deep inside the tunnels.

Moving down the path they went to go towards the tomb, sabertusks could be seen climbing up.

Gladiolus: Heads up!

Cor: No orders for me?

Ignis: No, this shouldn't require too much strategy.

Dashing forward with a warp-strike, Noctis pulls his sword out of the corpse of the sabertusk he killed, ducking as Y/N vaults over him, drawing his katana, swiftly eliminating the next sabertusk.

The red-haired male looks to his former teacher, both nodding as Cor slashes the first sabertusk coming towards him before tossing his own katana to Y/N, who cross guards an attack from the sabertusk and attacks right back, slashing twice in an x-formation with both blades. Tossing it back to Cor, the two resume back to fighting.

Noctis slashes one up and calls Prompto over, who slides in and shoots upwards, the bullet hitting the sabertusks head. The Crown Prince helps the blonde gunslinger up before they see a sabertusk lunge towards them, only for it to be hit by a giant broadsword. Behind them, Prompto quickly turns around and unloads a mag into a sabertusk that was attempting to attack them from behind. The last sabertusk was handled by Ignis, who swiftly uses his daggers to kill the animal.

Cor: Prompto, you alright?

Prompto: Uh, yes, sir. I'm fine, sir.

Cor: Good work there, Y/N. I have a fine student.

Y/N: Thank you, sensei.

They then proceed to the next tomb, Cor providing some history of what occurred there.

Cor: Long years ago, we waged a fierce battle here against the empire. It all went to ruin, and after that, the empire moved in like it owned the place.

They notice that there were magitek guards placed around the area. Deciding to sneak through, they remained out of sight, Noctis using his warp-strike to teleport behind the enemy and silently eliminate them.

The group was also wary of the animals that roamed the area as well. Oddly enough, they ignored the magitek guards, continuing about their business.

They were soon found by one of the local animals. It looked like a giant pig.

Prompto: Say, Marshal, how 'bout you show us how it's done?

Cor: No wimping out. Let's move.

Noctis threw his sword into the air, it embedding itself into the side of a wall. Ignis uses his daggers to mark his opponent, creating areas for Noctis to quickly warp to and strike. Y/N had jumped off a rock, igniting his sword into flames as he plunges it on the back of the beast, it screaming in pain as it wiggles around, attempting to knock Y/N off it's back. Y/N makes his sword disappear, jumping off the back of the beast. Noctis threw a fire spell towards Y/N, who catches it and throws it at the back of the animal. The spell explodes and it catches on fire.

(A/N): The spells in the game look like high-tech orbs with different colors depending on what spell it is. Red for fire, blue for ice, and yellow for lighting/sparks.

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