Chapter 25: Imperial Ambush

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After activating the first backup generator, the prince and his entourage were now heading to the location of the second backup generator.

Despite getting the objective done, the relationship between the Crownsguard and their liege was quite rocky. Noctis was still mourning the loss of his love and Gladiolus wants him to get over it as Lunafreya had given up her life so Noctis could complete his task. Y/N was unsatisfied with how the group was acting.

The second generator was nearby. They head down the metal steps that lead to different levels. Heading to the second level, Noctis finds the second one and activates it, the red light switching to a green one.

Prompto: We've got the power!

Gladiolus: Might not have it for long, though. Hurry up, and move the machine.

Noctis: Yes, sir.

Heading back to the location of the large, rusted metal structure. The go up the stairs and he activates the control panel, a rumbling noise was heard.

Noctis: Did you hear that?

Y/N: (sarcastically) Hmm. It's not like a loud ass rumbling noise was made.

Prompto: Sounds like we're clear!

Ignis: Grand.

Gladiolus: Then let's move.

Wanting to get this done as fast as possible, Noctis starts to pick up the pace, forgetting about Ignis's injury.

Gladiolus: So much for sticking together.

Noctis growls and slows down, Y/N rolling his eyes and the pointless argument. Prompto and Y/N stayed a bit back, supporting Ignis, much to his displeasure.

Going a bit deeper, Gladiolus asks Noctis to stop.

Gladiolus: Hold up. You sure you're ready for this? You got what it takes?

Noctis: To do what?

The other two stand off to the side, watching the conversation. Ignis could only listen.

Gladiolus: To face your ancestors and convince them to lend you their strength. Got a long road ahead. (crosses arms) Can you see this through? To the end?

Noctis: (determined) Can and will. Whether I like it or not, I've got a duty to fufill--as king.

Gladiolus: You're damn right, you do. Then that means you'd better start taking this seriously.

Hearing his words, Noctis was frustrated, but even more determined to do his task.

Noctis: Good to go.

Prompto: We did it! Together!

As they head in deeper, they came across an opening, a large pool of water at the bottom.

Prompto: This cave is huge!

Ignis: The tomb's further in?

Noctis: You wanna wait here?

Gladiolus: Alone, here.

Noctis: Not what I said.

Prompto: (sniffs air) Man, something stinks around here.

Y/N: It does smell gross. Ugh, it's going to linger on my jacket and we're going back on the train too.

Prompto: Don't slip and fall in whatever that is.

Traversing through the massive pool of water, they got closer to the tomb. There were strange bulbs covering the entrance.

Prompto: What is this?

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