Chapter 7: Chocobos

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With their plans changed, Noctis and his crew head down to Wiz's Chocobo Post, hoping to ride the chocobos there. Prompto was most excited out of everyone. Noctis and Ignis seem to be fine with heading there, but Y/N and Gladiolus weren't.

Gladiolus wished to check on his sister, Iris, whose current location is Lestallum. Y/N didn't really want to go as he just wanted a bath.

Ignis pulls into the Chocobo Post. They see a man wearing a flat cap, a yellow polka-dotted scarf, and a grey shirt underneath a brown vest. This is Wiz Forlane, owner of Wiz's Chocobo Post.

Prompto: Now this is what I'm talkin' about!

Y/N: Someone is very giddy.

Gladiolus: Yep. The kid's got it bad.

Ignis: There are worse vices, I suppose.

Getting out of the car, the five of them head to Wiz, Prompto speaking to the man.

Prompto: 'Scuse me. We'd like to ride the chocobos.

Wiz: The chocobos, huh? I hate to break this to y'all, but we can't permit our birds to leave the post.

Y/N: Why not?

Wiz: Not while Deadeye's still about. He's an uncommonly ferocious behemoth that's taken to prowlin' these parts of late. His scent makes our birds nervous, an' to prevent accidents an' tragedies, we have choice but to suspend rentals. But hold on, now--ain't you lads the Hunters that've been makin' a mark? You reckon you can handle the likes of Deadeye?

Noctis: Um, sure.

Y/N: Huh. Guess taking down that Bloodhorn had made us official Hunters.

Ignis: Indeed.

Wiz: If you could bring the beast down, there'd be a reward in it for ya. But knowin' the danger, I wouldn't blame ya for sayin' no.

With a plan set, the group register for the hunt to take down the Deadeye. The rewards were 3,020 gil and an amethyst bracelet.

Before they went out, they hadn't had any lunch so they bought five Chocobo Club sandwiches to eat. After finishing their lunch, they vaulted over the cobblestone fence that surrounded the area, heading down the hill and heading towards the thicket. The area where the Deadeye resides.

Nearing the entrance, they heard the growl of a beast. An menacing one at that.

Gladiolus: The hell?

From the distance, the five of them could see trees falling down.

Ignis: Something's amiss.

Y/N: Must be a big ole' bastard.

Gladiolus: C'mon.

The proceed up the dirt path, the growls of the monster getting closer. More trees in the distance began to tip and fall over.

They soon come across monsters known as a Voretooth.

Prompto: Guys. We have a little problem here.

Gladiolus: Cool. Go take care of it.

Prompto: Alone? That wasn't part of the deal.

Y/N: You were the one who wanted to ride the chocobos.

One of them lunges for the Crown Prince, but Noctis evades the attack, a blue trail and outline of himself leaves behind him and dissipates. Taking the opening, Y/N rushed forward, drawing his summoned katana at blinding speeds. Gladiolus uses his Glaive Art, Tempest, bringing his opponents for a devastating swing full of power.

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