Chapter 2: Hunting

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Noctis and his crew had just received a call from Cindy, asking them to go find a person named, Dave. Their first clue was to check a shack that he was suspected to be hiding in.

Heading towards the rundown shack, the enter inside, only finding it to be empty. They find a table in the corner with some documents.

Noctis: What's this?

Reading the document, it said, 

Mutant Dualhorn Sighting
Codename: Bloodhorn
Characteristics: Red tusks, extremely violent
Outstanding bounty on sabertusks in the area

Y/N: Huh. Seems Dave is a bounty hunter of sorts.

Ignis: Noct!

The Crown Prince was startled, turning around as he heard a vicious growl.

Prompto: Get outta here!

A sabertusk had leaped into the air, ready to pounce on him. Expecting an impact, Noctis falls on the floor and was expecting to be damaged, but heard the sound of a swinging sword instead.

Opening his eyes, he saw that Y/N had quickly drawn his katana, his moves from training with Cor clearly showing.

Y/N: Eyes up and remain vigilant.

Doing a 360 spin, Y/N drew his blade once more, swinging it quickly and eliminating any that got in his way. Sheathing it, he let's it disappear and helps Noctis up.

Prompto: You okay?

Gladiolus: (finishes off sabertusk) We are now.

Ignis: Spoke too soon!

Ignis had spotted even more sabertusk and they begun to fill the room.

Noctis: I'm going all out.

Y/N: (sigh) Try not to hit anyone.

Gladiolus: And don't get too carried away.

Noctis: You're one to talk.

Noctis was a master of many different arms. Summoning a two-handed broadsword, he swings it with great strength, but not as fast as Gladiolus. After swinging the giant blade, eliminating five of them, Noctis and the others run outside as the small space was too small for them to do their abilities.

Y/N desummons his katana and summons out his one-handed sword. Getting into a particular stance, Noctis knew what he was going to do.

Noctis: Y/N, you're up!

Y/N infuses fire magic into his sword, slicing upwards as he jumped up. After his attack finished, his sword disappears out of his hands, which then appears in Noctis's hands, who twirls in the air before he comes down, plunging Y/N's sword down into the skull of a sabertusk.

Noctis: Gladio!

Gladiolus gets into position, readying his two-handed sword as he prepares one of his Glaive Arts called, Tempest. Spinning three times as wind picks up, bringing in the foes, Gladiolus's swings eliminate the beasts.

While the others were fighting and Y/N had finished his, he looks to Prompto, who was currently running away from three sabertusks. With a sigh and a chuckle, Y/N goes off to help the blonde gunslinger. 

Prompto: Hey! I had that covered!

Y/N: Really? From what I saw, your ass was being chased.

Prompto: Shut up...

Y/N: Your welcome, Prompto.

Helping him up, they look to the other three to see they too have finished as well. Gladiolus was collecting what was left of the sabertusks, hoping to sell for some more gil.

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