Chapter 17: The Vesperpool

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Having just arrived in Caem, the group begins walking to the house that Jared had set up, a hideaway.

Underneath the lighthouse on Caem was an underground basement that supposedly contained the boat that Noctis and his crew would take to head to the City on the water, Altissia.

To act natural, the group had quickly changed in their casual clothing, not wanting to give away their statuses if they stayed in their Crownsguard uniforms.

(A/N): Y/N's casual clothing is a basic black hoodie, a red shirt underneath, and khakis shorts. This is what I wear in real life during the summer. Like, actually.

Gladiolus: Whoa. Pretty impressive lighthouse.

Y/N: Indeed.

Prompto: What say we head on up?

Ignis: Ought to be a nice view, if a bit blustery.

Up ahead on the path, Cindy was waiting for them.

Gladiolus: What's up?

Cindy: Knew it was y'all! Recognize the purr of that engine anywhere!

Iris: Thanks for the ride. It was fun!

Parting from their company, Iris heads towards the house while Noctis and his Crownsguard remain where they are, speaking with Cindy concerning the boat they were taking.

Noctis: How's the boat?

Cindy: Paw-paw's tinkerin' away. Reckon he'll be tinkerin' for some time.

Ignis: Trouble at sea?

Y/N: Damages to the boat?

Cindy: Seen her share, by the looks of her. Some parts we can fix, others need replacin'.

Gladiolus: Huh, an overhaul.

Y/N: What kind of parts?

Cindy: Don't y'all worry. Paw-paw ain't goin' nowhere 'till the job's done. Parts won't fetch 'emselves, though. Was kinda hopin' y'all wouldn't mind helping out with that?

Y/N: Not at all.

Ignis: We're at your disposal.

Cindy: To tell the truth, we already got a couple hands on deck: Dustin an' Monica. Those two have been real swell. Managed to gather just about everything we need.

Ignis: You can depend on the Crownsguard.

Cindy: Trouble is, they ain't had much luck findin' a certain somethin' by the name of "mythril." Apparently the stuffs hard to come by around these parts, least accordin' to the little fella from the city.

Prompto: Talcott?

Cindy: You betcha! Sharp as a tack, that one. Could tell ya'll more about the stuff'n I could.

Noctis: We'll be sure to ask.

Cindy: Paw-paw's down at the dock. Now, if y'all excuse me, I'm gonna grab my tools and skedaddle. Got a garage to look after.

Y/N: 'Till then.

Cindy leaves the five of them, her heading back to Hammerhead. Talcott could then be seen waving from the house.

Talcott: Prince Noctis! Hey, our house is over here! Right this way!

Chuckling, the Prince and his entourage walk towards the house, greeting the young boy.

Talcott: I think Miss Cindy might've told you already, but she needs a very special kind of ore called mythril to fix the boat. Remember the waterfall? I read Grandpa's notebook there's some ruins near a lake just north of here.

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