Chapter 19: Rock of Ravatogh

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Currently, the group was in Costlemark Tower, heading down some steps. At the end, it was ruined. The only way to get across was to go over a fallen pillar. Noctis goes on first, walking carefully so he doesn't fall.

Prompto: We'll go through there. But quietly. Quietly.

Ignis: Best to proceed with caution.

Prompto: I think that applies to you there, big guy.

Gladiolus: I'm pretty sure you're the klutz.

One by one, they each went over the fallen pillar and crossed. Going through the next hall, they walked through. They didn't know what to expect.

Daemons started to spawn on the spiral slope and the group were forced to fight them as they descended down. Noctis was blocking and phasing out of the way of the daemons punches. The Bussemand used it's gloved fists to punch the Crown Prince, but they were stopped by the swinging of Y/N's sword. But with the confined space, it wasn't the ideal area to swing a sword.

(A/N) I have no idea how Costlemark went and I don't want to go back through so I'm going to cut through some areas. This is one of the longer dungeons if you don't count the extra secret dungeons at the end of the game. When I did this, it roughly took me about four hours for me to complete. One of the more annoying ones.

In the end, they quickly took them out and went down the slope. They reach a circular room and the floor is suddenly destroyed.

They reach the bottom floor and crash onto the rubble, somehow they were still alive. Ignis hands everyone elixirs so they could heal up and proceed forward. Running down hallway, the find another long slope and the five of them run down it before coming across a bridge.

Prompto: And what have we here?

Gladiolus: Dunno, but it's huge.

Prompto: (groans) I'm too tired to walk all the way across.

Y/N: Wanna call it a night here, then?

Prompto: Actually not too tired! We gonna cross?

Noctis: Uh, yeah?

Prompto: (sigh) Knew you'd say that.

Y/N: Then why did you bother asking?

Prompto: I don't know.

Noctis: Let's go.

After getting halfway across the bridge, two Yojimbo, samurai-like daemons, appear.

Prompto: Behind us! And in front of us!

Gladiolus: The more the merrier. Let's get to work.

Ignis and Prompto take the one behind them while the other three took the one that was in front. Y/N summons his katana and rushed forward, using the technique that Cor knew, Lion's Roar. The katana then disappears out of Y/N's hand, now in Noctis's as he delivers a quick, but powerful blow.

Gladiolus uses his Glaive Art, Downhammer, leaping into the air as he does a battle cry, slamming his greatsword down. The greatsword then appears in Noctis's as he follows up with another slam of the giant blade. Coming in for a link-strike, Y/N slides in, slicing the appendages of the daemon before Noctis flips over the daemon, swinging his Engine Blade III as it kills the daemon from striking it's head. Turning to the other two, they see that Prompto and Ignis took care of their daemon.

They enter the spiral slope and head down, Noctis finding the opening to the ground floor.

Noctis: Really opens up back here.

Prompto: Welp, guess that's the end of the road, so...

Y/N: Oh, we're not done yet, pal.

Gladiolus: He's right. There might be a way.

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