Chapter 26: Tenebrae

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After separating from Prompto, Y/N was running through the halls of the train cars. Upon arrival in one of the lodging areas, some magitek axemen spot him.

Summoning his one-handed sword, he cuts through the two in front of him, throwing it and the sword is impaled into the third one in the back. Two more come up to him with their axes at the ready.

Y/N takes a step back, summoning Hagekure as he readies it. He dashes forward as he does a quick slash, the magitek soldiers destroyed as he desummons his weapons and continues up to the front of the train. Getting to the engine room, he finds Gladiolus and Ignis there.

Y/N: What's the situation?

Gladiolus: Don't know. They're getting the engine back online as we speak.

Ignis: Where is Prompto and Noct?

Y/N: Prompto is searching for his Highness's ass.

Suddenly, the train started to feel impact, knocking the three onto their feet.

Gladiolus: What the hell was that!?

Y/N: I think the empire's got some real artillery out there!

Engineer: The engine's done! Should we depart now?

Y/N: Do it!

Ignis: If we don't go now, the passengers will all die.

The advisor then has Gladiolus pull out his phone, the Shield messaging them it's time to go.

Ignis: Y/N, check for any stragglers that are on the train.

Y/N: Got it.

Running out of the engine room, Y/N begins to patrol the train cars. Upon getting to a destroyed train car, there were multiple magitek soldiers. Readying his weapons, Y/N parries the first attack, using his katana to stab it through the magitek soldier. Letting go of the blade, he summons his one-handed sword, rolling forward as the magitek assassin swung it's sword down.

Swinging his sword up, he decapitates the head and raises his sword up to block the two blades from another magitek assassin. Forcing it off of him, he uses his technique, Dancing Blade, which didn't utilize his fire magic. Parrying the axe of a magitek axeman, he disarms it by cutting off it's hand and eliminates it by thrusting his sword forward into it's head. He then desummons his sword and katana as he pulls out his phone.

Y/N: Hello?

Ignis: (on phone) Y/N, can you find Noct and Prompto? Their not answering their phones.

Y/N: On it.

Ending the call, he heads out and climbs on top the train cars. He runs for a little bit before he finds Noctis knocked out.

The red haired male runs over, shaking the prince to wake up.

Y/N: Noct! Noct, wake up!

Noctis: (groans) Uh...dammit.

Y/N: Hey, hey, easy. Get up slowly.

Noctis gets up, kneeling on one knee.

Noctis: Y/N...argh.

Ignis: (comms) What's wrong?

Noctis: Ignis, Y/N! You've gotta stop this thing!

Y/N: What? Wait, where's Prompto?

Noctis: He fell off the train. I pushed him--I mean, Ardyn made me. I don't know where he is, but we can't leave him!

Y/N: Messing with your vision, not surprised of what he can do. Well unfortunately, we can't stop it.

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