Chapter 33: Battle In The Citadel

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Opening the gates to the Citadel, Noctis and his retinue proceed through to the courtyard. Ardyn could be seen walking down the steps, stopping at the bottom.

Ardyn: Ifrit, the Infernian. He doesn't share the Glacian's fondness for mankind. But you can expect a...warm welcome. I shall await you...above.

The area starts to darken as from the middle of the courtyard, Ifrit rises up from the ground. Ifrit sat upon his throne, gazing at the five.

Noctis: Stay cool--he's gonna bring the heat.

Y/N: Alright, asshole. Time for round three.

As they got closer, Ifrit had sent a heat blast, sending Noctis to the ground. Prompto then runs up to him.

Prompto: Noct! Hang in there, buddy! Stay down. We'll keep him busy.

The blonde gunslinger then goes off to help Y/N in fighting Ifrit, who was trying to get as close as he could while also defending from Ifrit's attacks.

As Noctis weakly stood up, Ignis was behind cover.

Ignis: Noct! Over here! Quickly, before he strikes again!

The Shield and Sword then come up from behind Noctis, helping towards Ignis as they push him down behind the cover. Soon, Prompto comes in with his revolver, taking cover as well.

Prompto: Here it comes!

The five brace for impact as a wave of heat was flew over them, the firewall going over. They soon get out to prepare for battle, Ignis handing a potion to Noctis.

Prompto: I've got your back!

Y/N: As well as I. Gladio, with me!

Ignis: Here you go.

Noctis: (stands up) Let's go!

Ignis: No room for error.

First, Noctis warp-strikes the Infernian, striking him many times with his Ultima Blade. Gladiolus and Y/N attacked Ifrit's legs, the Infernian shrugging the damage off like it was nothing. Prompto had hid behind cover, poking his head out to shoot his gun. Ignis was casting ice spells towards the Infernian, but Ifrit then sends a firewall out, causing the five of them to back off.

Gladiolus: Got a tough one on our hands.

Ignis: Quite a formidable foe indeed.

Y/N: I don't even know how the hell I survived him on the Rock of Ravatogh.

Prompto: Well, you had me and Aranea!

Noctis then conjures the Sword of the Wise, chaining his warp-strikes together. Prompto had summoned both his guns, dual-wielding them as the other three could only cast ice magic on Ifrit.

As Noctis zoomed through the air, Ifrit plucked the Chosen King from the air, beginning to crush him in his hands. Noctis struggles to break free, Y/N attempting to climb Ifrit to help free Noctis. But the Infernian only kicks Y/N away, causing the red haired male to be launched into a lamp post. Ifrit then throws Noctis to the ground, Ignis helping his liege up.

Noctis: We're almost there--keep it up!

Then it was at that moment, help arrived. Noctis's eyes were now a bright red. From the air, a streak of blue light appeared.

Soon, a giant sword fell from the sky, striking where Ifrit was. Bahamut could be seen flying around the Citadel, circling the battlefield. The Draconian then flew low, grabbing his sword as he floated above the area. His wings disperse and form a circle of blades around him. Bahamut readies his great blade, aiming it towards Ifrit.

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