Chapter 4: The Last Lucian Royal

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Heavy rain was pouring down. The hum of the engine of the Regalia, the car racing down the road as Noctis and his crew make their way back to the Crown City, Insomnia. After hearing the news, Noctis was worried, but also angry. He wasn't sure why his father never told this to him or how he wasn't notified of it. He was expected to be brought to Altissia and be married to his childhood friend.

He sat in the car next to Y/N, who sat in the middle, and clenched his fists. He didn't want to believe that his home had fallen.

Prompto: I hope...everyone's okay.

Noctis: Lotta good hoping's gonna do.

Ignis: You mustn't lose faith.

Noctis: (angered) Really? Can faith stop a fleet of imperial dreadnoughts?

Y/N: (sigh) Noct, just give it a rest.

Noctis: My old man had plenty of faith--

Gladiolus: Enough.

Prompto: The Empire lied. They betrayed us.

Ignis: Conjecture gets us nowhere. We're searching for truth.

Noctis: All you'll find are lies--like that ceasefire.

Ignis kept on driving and they kept looking at the sky, Imperial dreadnoughts could be seen flying through the air.

Gladiolus: Look of the size of those things.

Y/N: How many soldiers are in there?

Ignis: Imperial dreadnoughts. They transport soldiers--namely, the magitek infantry.

Y/N: Those robots?

Ignis: Mass-produced humanoid weapons of warfare, to be more precise.

Prompto: Doesn't look like they'll be signing that peace treaty.

Y/N: (sarcastically) I wonder what gave it away.

Prompto: Up ahead!

As they drew near the Insominian border, people and their cars were parked in front of the road.

The five of them could see the Imperial army posted out front. Magitek troopers sat in front with their mechs behind them. It was an inspection point.

Ignis: They've set up an inspection point.

Gladiolus: If the road ahead's blocked, then we find a way around.

Y/N: Hey, Iggy. Go down the road on the left.

Seeing the dirt road on the left, Ignis turns that way, driving until they met a dead end. Getting out of the car, they found an entrance that led to Lucis's pipeline. 

Y/N: Taking a detour.

Ignis: There must be a decent vantage point up ahead.

The patters of their footsteps in the rain could only be heard. Later, the group hide behind some boxes as there were magitek infantry ahead.

Gladiolus: There they are. Wanna take 'em out?

Noctis: Oh yeah, those scrapheaps are gonna wish they had a treaty to protect them.

Jumping out of cover, Noctis throws his Engine Blade, phasing through the air as he teleports forward and stabs his sword through one of the magitek soldiers. Following his lead, Y/N jumped off the box, summoning his one-handed broadsword as he comes in for an overhead strike. He kicks the other in the shin, forcing it to go on it's knees and Ignis comes in, swiftly striking the downed foe.

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