Chapter 23: Siege On Altissia

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The scene opens up to a room in Camelia's estate. The same woman and Lunafreya were sitting in the same room, just hours before the rite.

Camelia: If worse comes to worse, you can threaten the trident into the sea. Then they'll listen. In the meantime, it will be well guarded. Better than the Oracle herself.

Lunafreya: Understood...I shall reclaim it at the alter.

Camelia: Remember: you'll be under imperial watch.

Lunafreya: (nods) Right.

Camelia: (examines nails) Think of it as a necessary evil in order to forge the covenant.

Lunafreya: (bows) I am in your debt.

Camelia: Once it's over, you may go as you please. But you do so without our protection.

Lunafreya: So be it.

Camelia: You had better get going. (stands up and walks to door) Your public is waiting for you.

After she leaves, it was only Lunafreya Nox Fleuret. Seconds later, magitek troopers storm into the room, guns and weapons trained on her.

The Oracle gets up from her chair, moving the gun barrel that was pointed to her face as she starts to move out of the room. The magitek troopers then begin to escort her towards the public.

Outside, many of the residents of Altissia had gathered outside royal palace. All the way in the back was the Sword of the King and his liege.

Prompto: (comms) Noct, Y/N, you guys in position?

Noctis: Yep.

Y/N: Loud and clear.

Gladiolus: (comms) Don't forget the plan.

Noctis: You guys, too.

Y/N: Relax, Gladio. We got this. Just make sure none of the citizens get hurt.

Gladiolus: (comms) Yeah, I hear you.

Ignis: (comms) Of course.

Ending the calls, Noctis and Y/N begin to move through the crowd.

Noctis: (sigh) Talk about a the whole city's come to watch.

Y/N: Can't blame 'em. Lady Lunafreya is about to give a big speech.

Everyone then begins to clap as Lunafreya could be seen coming out of the palace doors. Elegantly, she walks up to the podium.

Lunafreya: Dear, friends, I stand before you today with little hope the words I speak...shall reach beyond these walls. For slowly, but surely, the Light fades from our world. And as it does, the shadows shall loom ever longer until all succumbs to the darkness. Darkness that evokes terror, hatred, and sorrow in the hearts of men. The ashes of Lucis...a dream of peace twisted into a nightmare of death and destruction, claiming innumerable lives and leaving myriad souls to suffer.

The scene then changes to a shot of the hidden basement under Caem. Cor sat on the couch as he listened to the broadcast of Lunafreya's speech.

Iris and Talcott could then be seen in Lestallum with other people as they listened to the Oracle's address there on the radio.

Back in Altissia

Noctis: Luna...

Lunafreya: Yet I beg you, do not surrender to despair. Have faith, for our gods watch over us. By their blessings, by the Stars that light the heavens above, our world will be delivered from the perils of the dark. I stand before you here, in Altissia, to call upon Leviathan, Goddess of the Seas, spirit of the deep. By the sacred rite, I will commune with the Hydraean. But first, I offer you my solemn vow. On my honor as Oracle, I will not rest until the darkness is banished from our world and the Light is restored.

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