Chapter 28: Looking For Prompto

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After the destruction of the Regalia, the group, minus Prompto, look to their objective. Zegnautus Keep.

Gladiolus: Are we seriously marching into the capital empty-handed?

Y/N: Well, the only weapon we have on board is the Ring of Lucii. And the only one who can properly wield it is Noct, so we really don't have a choice.

Ignis: And with no assurance the Crystal can beat back the daemon hordes.

Y/N: Well, we have to at least try.

Gladiolus: Guess we'll find out the hard way. No turning back now, right?

Noctis nods and they begin to move, gazing at the broken train car in front of them. It was hanging off a rock, no telling when it would collapse.

Gladiolus: This thing could come down at any time...

Ignis: Let's be quick.

Noctis: C'mon, this way.

Y/N: Right behind ya.

Noctis begins to cross under the train car, it creaking slightly as it almost fell down. As Gladiolus, Y/N, and Ignis were about to cross under, it crashes down, separating the king and his Crownsguard.

Noctis: Hey! Ignis! Gladio! Y/N!

There was no response from them and daemons begin to appear. Since Noctis had no way of fighting back, he had to flee.

As he ran, he could hear Ardyn's voice, but he didn't know where it was coming from.

Ardyn: Look at you. All by your lonesome.

Noctis: You again. You know, for an imperial chancellor, you are one sick son of a bitch. Daemons...the hell do you want? Leave me alone!

Crossing through a broken down passenger car, he encounters more daemons, but Noctis was able to dodge them thanks to his warping powers. He then runs up some stairs to escape the daemons.

Noctis: This is getting out of hand.

Running through an open door, Noctis was panting as he searches for a place to hide. Going behind some boxes, he goes into his pockets and pulls out the Ring of Lucii. It was the only weapon he had left.

Hesitantly, he put it on. As he did, he starts to feel intense pain, as if his hand was being teared off. It soon stops as the Ring knew Noctis was of royal blood. Noctis clenches his fist as he could feel the power coming off of it, now coursing through him.

Noctis: The time has come.

Up ahead, Snaga daemons drop down from the rafters, growling as they spot the Crown Prince.

Noctis: How did they get in here?

He extends his hand, a bright magenta light emitting off the ring. Noctis absorbs the life energy of the Snaga, killing it as it adds to his own.

He then sees a giant structure ahead.

Noctis: Looks like it's connected below. Might be my ticket to the top.

The Crown Prince then sets off for the elevator, hoping to find a way deeper into the Keep.

With Y/N, Gladiolus, and Ignis

After the passenger car had fell and separated them from their liege, Gladiolus helps the Sword and Hand up top. Y/N then extends his hand for Gladiolus so he could climb on top as well.

Ignis: Is there a way forward?

Y/N: Well, there is a way.

Gladiolus: But I don't think it going forward without facing off with the daemons.

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