Chapter 1: The Beginning

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The Tale of the Chosen King
Savior to the Star

The scene opens up to a man about the age of thirty. He had a black cape and a pauldron, dressed in gold lining. A kingly raiment it was.

There was sweat running down his face and he brushes it off, the heat from the flames in front of him. He stood in front of a tall building. A castle. One that belonged to him. His birthright. His name is Noctis Lucis Caelum, the Chosen King. The King of Lucis.

Four other people run in front of him, wearing armored uniforms, but enough to have good mobility.

There was a giant in the middle of the square they were in, emitting flames. Running forward, Noctis goes to avoid the giant, but it explodes, emitting high heat and knocks the Crown Prince onto the floor, his clothes catching on fire. Soon, a man with blonde hair comes, getting rid of the fire and assisting the Crown Prince. This was Prompto Argentum, Noctis's best friend.

Prompto: Stay down. We'll keep him busy!

Prompto runs off to assist a man his age. He had red hair and a one-handed sword. This was Y/N L/N. The Sword of the King and friend of Noctis since childhood.

???: Noct! Over here!

Looking over, he sees a man with dirty blonde hair and custom glasses. He was about two years older than Prompto, Noctis, and Y/N. This was Ignis Scientia, the Hand of the King and another friend of Noctis since childhood.

Ignis: Quickly, before he strikes again!

He weakly moves over. It wasn't until the same red haired man and a taller and buffer man pushes him into cover. This was Gladiolus Amicitia. The Shield of the King and another friend of Noctis since childhood.

The two quickly move him behind a barrier and take cover. Prompto soon joins him with his revolver out.

Prompto: Here it comes!

The five of them brace for impact as a wave of heat and fire goes over them. The attack recedes and the five of them get up.

Prompto: I got your back!

Y/N: As well as I. Gladio, with me!

Ignis: Here you go.

Y/N, Gladiolus, and Prompto head out to fight while Ignis stays behind, giving Noctis a health potion.

Feeling rejuvenated, Noctis gets up and prepares for battle.

Noctis: Let's go!

Before the Fall...

(A/N): Intro for those who want to see it. I don't own the video btw. Also, imagine yourself in the scenes I've described below as you read. Start at 1:20 or the beginning to see what happened visually.

The scene opens up to a view of a large city. A kingdom. This was Insomnia. A clear barrier surrounded the kingdom.

The scene then changes to the throne room. Upon the throne sat a king. Regis Lucis Caelum, Noctis's father. Noctis stood before his father with his four friends behind him. His Crownsguard. The five of them were much younger then. About early twenties.

Regis: The decreed hour is come. Set forth with my blessing, Prince Noctis.

Noctis: (bows) Thank you...your majesty.

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