Chapter 13: Blessing of Ramuh

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A new dawns Eos, the Prince and his entourage now getting out of the tent and preparing to head into the Fociaugh Hollow for the last blessing of Ramuh.

Gladiolus: Look--over there. I bet that's the spot lightning struck.

Prompto: And we're supposed to go inside?

Y/N: (sigh) Again?

Prompto: Here we are--Fociaugh Hollow!

Ignis: No telling what waits inside.

Gladiolus: Stay sharp.

Y/N: And watch the shadows.

Noctis: Always.

Prompto: (groans) We're drifting into the deep end.

Ignis: I can't quite make out how deep it runs.

Turning on their flashlights, they head inside the entrance, heading down the cave corridor to retrieve the last blessing.

As they head in deeper, a pack of bats fly above them from the ceiling, startling the group as Prompto lets out a terrified scream, Y/N and the others giving him unimpressed looks.

Prompto: I've got a bad feeling about this place.

Y/N: this the Batcave!?

Prompto: H-Huh?

Y/N: Never mind...

Ignis: As if danger lurks 'round every corner.

Prompto: Avoid all corners. Got it!

Y/N: (sigh) What an idiot.

Heading down, they come across the usual narrow crevice, but enough for them to fit through. Noctis, as always the party leader, heads in first. Gladiolus has a tough time going through, him being the biggest out of all of them.

Prompto however, had the smallest build, seemly fits through like paper.

Upon getting out, the walk down the hall, hearing groans and grunts, growls belonging to daemons.

Gladiolus: Shh.

Ignis: Keep quiet.

Prompto: Who? What? Where?

Suddenly, imp daemons appear from the ceiling, coming down, ready to attack. Prompto is taken aback, falling on his rear as he summons his revolver, firing repeatedly.

Annoyed, Y/N backhands the blonde gunslinger, making him snap out of his daze as Gladiolus, Ignis, and Noctis had finished wrapping up the battle, as there weren't much and their foes weren't that strong. Crouching down, Noctis goes through a low area, coming across some crops, Allural Shallot.

Ignis examines said item and thought of something.

Ignis: (snaps fingers) That's it!

Y/N: What's up, Specs?

Ignis: I've come up with a new recipe!

Gladiolus: I could taste test for ya.

Y/N: Me too!

Quickly writing down the recipe, Green Soup Curry, in his notepad, the group head on inside the cavern more.

They proceed down the hall and more imps appear.

Prompto: It never ends...

Noctis: Let's do this!

Ignis: Right.

Since the area was so small, Noctis's newly acquired royal arm of a greatsword wasn't suited for the area. Not only that, Gladiolus could barely swing his own without hitting the walls or his teammates ducking from the giant blade.

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