Chapter 9: Swords of the Wanderer

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(A/N): It's actually Swords of the Wanderer. Not Swords of the Clever. The Clever belongs to the Bow.

The five of them proceed towards the entrance of the waterfall, heading inside to collect the next royal arm for Noctis.

Prompto: Wouldn't you know it--an entrance!

Gladiolus: Looks like the legend checks out.

Prompto: (shudders) This place gives me goose bumps.

Y/N: Wimp.

Prompto: Double back for our coats?

Y/N: It is pretty cold in here.

Gladiolus: What's the point? Little chill won't kill you.

Prompto: Well, looking on the bright side...maybe the cold keeps the daemons at bay?

Y/N: Wouldn't count on it.

Gladiolus: (sarcastically) Yeah, because monsters like warmth.

Prompto: Ah. Sarcasm. Hmm...but what if they're frozen?

Gladiolus: Encased in ice...waiting for something warm to pass by.

Prompto: And then they jump out! (shudders)

They were startled as a growl was let out, daemons rising from the ground.

Prompto: And there's our warm welcome.

Y/N: Wanna warp-strike them to catch 'em off guard? That would be real helpful!

Noctis: Oh, calm down.

Warping to a point, Noctis hangs by his sword before tossing it at one of the daemons, teleporting as he stabs his sword into it's chest. Afterwards, he desummons his sword tosses a fire spell, igniting and quickly killing the two to his left, finishing off the rest.

Prompto: Never knew what hit 'em!

Y/N: Onward...down that slippery slope.

The five of them look down the slope. Noctis was hesitant on jumping down, so Y/N rolls his eyes and pushes Noctis forward, him going next after.

Noctis: Wh-Whoa!

Y/N: See you guys at the bottom!

Ignis: (sigh) Here we go. (jumps on slope)

They all slide down, Noctis spotting daemons at the bottom and quickly throwing his sword to teleport. Y/N was sliding down on his feet, unlike his friends whom are sliding on their rears, he kicks himself up, leaping at the end before summoning his sword and plunging it into a daemon's head.

Resting his sword on his shoulders, he sees Ignis and Gladiolus land on their feet. Prompto does as well, but he trips on an exposed piece of ice, causing him to trip and fall face first. Y/N chuckles at his friend's misfortune and immediately returns his attention to the foes in front of him.

Noctis: (gesturing to daemons) You things love deep pits. Let's get it over with.

Y/N: Agreed.

One of the daemons fired a purple beam at the group. Prompto still lied on the ground, trying to recover. Ignis, Gladiolus, and Noctis duck out of the way and Y/N kicks off of an ice column to dodge, taking out a fire spell in the process, tossing it at two daemons in front of him. Ignis and Noctis do a strategy they call "link-strike," the two of them coordinating their attacks. Noctis then signals Prompto to get up, using the technique, Piercer, the bullet being fired from his gun as it pierces multiple opponents. Gladiolus then uses the Glaive Art, Tempest, spinning twice as he brings his opponents in for his giant sweeps with his sword.

His Sword | FFXV × Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora