Chapter 20: Balouve Mines

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For those of you who haven't read my current message on my profile, I was recently exposed to someone who had been exposed to someone else who had COVID. Because of this, this may or may not slow down my upload schedule and take some time away from writing.

Lets just hope that I don't have any symptoms whatsoever. Anyway, I hope y'all are having a fine day and are staying safe. On to the chapter.


After finishing their lunch, since it was the afternoon, they proceed down the path to head down towards their target. The following path also lead to a royal arm for Noctis to absorb into his Armiger.

Jumping down from a high place, Noctis landed onto the floor as did Prompto. The Prince walked a bit more before Prompto pushes him towards the ground.

Prompto: Noct, there it is!

Noctis: There what is?

Prompto: Giant...BIRD!!!

Behind them, they see the giant Zu bird flying in the air, circling the mountain. It then begins to descend, heading towards it's nest.

Prompto: And it's coming right at us!

Noctis: Oh no!

Gladiolus: Get away from there!

Noctis: Let go!

Prompto: I caaan't!

Ignis: Get down!

Y/N and Ignis then jump down as well, the two pushing the other two down to the floor as the other two retainers jump into cover as well.

The Zu bird flies over them, it's talons just brushing over them as it soars back up in the air, going back to circle the mountain.

Ignis: Seems we've arrived at feeding time.

Prompto: We're not staying for the meal, are we?

Y/N: Well it just tried to kill us, so I'd say we're the meal.

Gladiolus: And it's circling for another peck!

Y/N: Oh boy. Here I go killing again.

Noctis: We might not have a choice.

Prompto: How do you even fight something this big?

Noctis: Could you try it and find out?

Prompto: I think I already know how that's gonna end.

Gladiolus: Looks like it's either him or us. Quick and easy.

Noctis: Close it out, Gladio.

Ignis: Perhaps.

The five of them run into the spacious area in front of them and the bird then lands in front of them. It lunges it's beak forward, specifically towards Prompto, who dodges away and starts to frantically fire his gun.

Y/N: Is it just me, or is Prompto always considered the most delicious out of all of us?

Prompto: (towards Zu) Don't eat me! I'm too young to die!

Noctis: Not the time, Y/N!

Noctis activates his Armiger, the current amount of royal arms he has begins to circle around him. Noctis then sends his Armiger forward, him teleporting as well as he attacks the bird's legs. Gladiolus starts to attack the other while Ignis starts to run around the bird in circles, analyzing it for any weaknesses.

The Zu begins to fly into the air and Y/N latches onto one of it's talons, him holding on for dear life. The wind starts to pick up as the Zu was now airborne, Y/N slowly making his way up the bird as he starts to climb, grasping it's feathers.

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