Chapter 13 - Stalker

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Chapter 13 – Stalker

<Route 32>

  “I can’t let Isaac down.” Emma said to herself. “I’ll prove to him that I can be independent and survive on my own!”

  The walk down route 32 was long and tedious. She had been walking a straight path for all of three hours and it did not seem like it was going to end anytime soon. Wild Pokémon were appearing in large numbers and it did not look like it was going to let up anytime soon.

  “Dang… I should’ve stocked up on more Potions at the Pokémart earlier.”

  The grass rustled and a group of Rattatas jumped out and tackled their way towards Emma.

  “Totodile, Aron, I choose you!”

  Her Pokémon were receiving some much needed training from all the wild herds of Pokémon. Even Totodile, the weaker member of her team, was doing its hardest not to fall behind Aron. After several turns, most of the Rattatas had fainted and the rest ran away.

  “Good job, everyone! You know, it’s weird that Pokémon have started to appear in such large quantities, especially territorial Pokémon like Rattata, which normally prefer to stay alone. This could only mean that the environmental condition here is getting worse and Pokémon have no place left to stay. Hmm… This is worrying, I better record my findings.” Emma muttered as she took pictures with her Pokégear and typed in some notes.

  “Oh! How rare it is to see someone here at Route 32, especially since after the Johto express was built.” A man appeared from behind some bushes. “Oh and a beautiful young lady at that.” He smiled creepily at Emma.

  “What do you want?” Emma asked fiercely.

  “Wow, no need to be so fierce. Since we’re already acquainted with each other, may you honour me with a Pokémon battle?” He said with a bow.

  “Sorry, I’m in a rush. Nice meeting you.” Emma said.

  “It’s a shame, really…” The man said, but Emma had already left.

  A couple more hours later and a dozen more encounters with wild Pokémon, Emma had finally reached a Pokecenter located right outside Union cave. She checked the time with her Pokégear, it was already almost 4pm. Dusk was approaching soon, but Emma was in a big rush, needing to reach Goldenrod City in 5 days. She stopped for a quick break at the Pokecenter for a meal, as well as to stock up on items.

  “So how may I help you?” The clerk working at the Pokémart asked.

  This was the first time Emma was buying items from a Pokémart, so she did not really know what to buy. “Umm could you just give me some Potions? Ehh I would also like some pokeballs, thanks.”

  “Remember to stock on status restorers too!” Someone behind Emma said suddenly.

  Emma turned back and saw the same person who she had met on Route 32. “You again? Why are you here? Are you stalking me?”

  The man jokingly put his hands in the air and said, “Hey, I just wanted to heal up my Pokémon before going past Union cave. It’s just a coincidence that I met you, really!”

  Emma quickly finished her purchase, with some help from the man she just met and went to a bench to rest before continuing on with her journey. “AHhhhh, my legs are so tired!”

  “We haven’t been formally introduced. My name is Luke, what’s yours?” That same guy went up to her again and held out his hand for a handshake.

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