Epilogue 2 - Surprise!

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Epilogue 2 – Surprise!

<Azalea Town>

The sun shone brightly over the horizon, indicating the start of a new day. Along the roads of Azalea, people could be seen rushing around to attend to their respective lives. Emma smiled as she walked down the familiar path to Kurt’s house. It had been an entire month since the whole Rocket incident and now, she finally had some free time to visit her childhood friend.

“Emma!” Maisy exclaimed in delight as she opened the door. “You’re finally here!”

“Of course, Maisy. I promised, didn’t I?” Emma said with a smile.

“Come on in, Emma.” Maisy said. “There’s someone here you might want to meet.”

The two of them walked slowly into the house, chatting about their lives during the past month and the like. Soon, they had reached the living room.

On the floor, there sat an old man – one that Emma recognized all too well.

“L-Leader Bugsy!” Emma said. “What are you doing here?”

Bugsy looked up and did not seem surprised to see Emma. “Welcome back, Emma. I knew you would come.” He smiled.

“Umm… I’ll go… prepare some drinks for you.” Maisy said as she politely exited the room.

“Were you looking for me?” Emma asked.

“Yes, I was. Besides, I have no place else to stay, but Miss Maisy was kind enough to take me in. So, I guess you could say this is my temporary abode.”

“Well…” Emma folded her arms. “So now that I’m here, what was it you wanted to meet me for?”

“I’m sure you have heard from Falkner about the Silver Conference, haven’t you? How I arrived to save the day?”

“You arrived to save the day?” Emma said in a skeptical tone. According to Falkner, he was the one who saved the day, not Bugsy, but Emma had already learnt to take everything that Falkner said with a pinch of salt.

“Well, I did help arrest Kyle, who is now awaiting trial.” Bugsy said.

“Kyle Hedge… I've met him before.” Emma said.

“Of course you have. You were running away from him the first time we met, remember?”

“Yes, I do.” Emma shuddered. “He was a scary man, but…”

“But what?”

“He did not seem the type of man to commit terrorism.”

“Terrorism?” Bugsy asked in shock. “Was he charged with that?”

“Yeah.” Emma nodded.

“That’s strange…” Bugsy frowned. “It’s true that he was part of Team Rocket – I heard it from Legacy himself, but at the most, he should only be charged with aiding and funding a criminal organization. Terrorism? No way.”

“Team Rocket must have found some way of pinning all their crimes on him, making him a scapegoat.” Emma said.

“Aww crap…”

“Why are you upset?” Emma asked. “He was your bitter enemy, wasn’t he? You should be happy that he’s suffering.”

Bugsy laughed sadly. “That’s what I thought too, but after hearing all this, I realised that revenge means nothing. What good is it that he suffers? It doesn’t do me any good. It doesn’t bring me closure. If anything, it only makes me pity him even more – being used by Team Rocket for such a long time.”

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