Chapter 26 - Shipwreck

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Chapter 26 - Shipwreck



The sun shone brightly on his face and his whole body was burning up.

“What in Arceus happened?” Captain Jared slowly opened his eyes. His head was burning with a raging headache, like the time he had too much to drink, and boy did it hurt. He had no idea how long he had passed out and his whole body creaked in rage as he tried to get up.

Around him, he smelt the salt in the air and could hear the gentle sounds of waves crashing on shore. Far overhead, flocks of wingulls flew by, squealing loudly as they searched for prey. The ground below him felt rough and… grainy? Was it sand?

Jared tried getting up again and this time, it was much easier. As his eyes got used to the light, he took in the familiar sight of his ship. That day, during the storm, a large wave washed over his ship, causing it sink. All his crew left him, except for Samuoel, who… Samuoel! Where was his loyal crewmate?

With newfound energy surging in his veins, Jared leapt up on his feet and started combing the ship for his friend. After searching most of the deck, he was losing hope fast and wandered if Samuoel had been washed off when The Mighty Seaking was submerged.

His legs were still feeling weak from the many days he was passed out and just noticed how thirsty he was. Wait… No. Thirsty just did not cut it. His throat felt so parched, he felt like he could drink a Vaporeon and still be thirsty. What he wouldn’t give for a glass of ice cool water.

At that moment, he realised that his ship was not rocking from left to right, just as when it was out at sea. Had his ship somehow landed?

He looked outside his ship and saw that his ship had indeed landed ashore. Quickly, he ran to the side of the ship that was closer to land. There, he saw a ladder propped up at the side, leading to the ground, and footsteps leading away from the ship and towards the forest. And, for the first time that day, Jared smiled.

Before getting on shore and trying to find Samuoel, he went to the ships kitchen for a quick glass of water and popped some bread into his mouth. He would not be much help if he passed out halfway from exhaustion.

When he went back on deck, Samuoel was already back.

“Aye, Cap’ain! Ya awake so soon?” Samuoel grunted.

“Samuoel.” He regarded Samuoel. His clothes were dirty and sandy and he looked like he was about to pass out anytime. “When did ya wake up?”

“Not an hour before ya did. Damn Arceus, that storm was something else!”

“Aye… I wonder how the others are fairin’.”

“Those damn crewmates, abandoning ya when ya needed them most.”

“S’okay, Samuoel. Nobody wants to die early, and most of them are still in their prime.”

“Whatever let’s just focus on how we’re gonna get off this WormaDamned island!”

“How’s the ship? Is she seaworthy?”

“Well, why don’t ya just take a good look at it from here?”

Jared turned and looked at The Mighty Seaking and nearly jumped out of his boots. The front of his ship had a large gaping hole in it and that was not all. The mast was snapped in half and rudder was cracked. And that was only what they could see from the surface. Who knew what kind of damaged was hidden within the ship.

Bottom line – His ship was not about to set sail anytime soon.

“Arceus… What did I do to deserve this?” Jared put his palm on his face.

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