Chapter 25 - Assumption Game

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Chapter 25 – Assumption Game

Falkner remained calm and just stared at his opponent. “Oh so you can talk after all! I was beginning to worry that you might be dumb for a second. I wouldn’t want people talking behind my back for bullying people with disabilities.” He snickered at his own joke.

“Nidoking, use thunderbolt!” His voice sounded a little strained, and was a higher pitch then what Isaac had expected.

“Skarmory use-“

The opponent’s Pokémon (which Isaac just learnt was called Nidoking) gathered a dangerous looking amount of electricity at the tip of its horn and began advancing towards Skarmory. The armour-coated bird, however, did not try to evade but instead descended and landed on the ground. Nidoking’s sparking horn rammed onto the bird and crackling electricity coursed through its body. The bird shrieked and fell backwards.

“Very observant of you.” The opponent praised.

“You own words gave it away.” Falkner smiled.

Isaac was mystified. What were the both of them talking about? Why was the opponent praising Falkner? His Pokémon just got knocked out by - wait…

“Brave Bird!” Falkner suddenly shouted.

Skarmory immediately recovered from the ground and flapped its wings rapidly to gain height. It then tucked its wings in and dropped straight down towards Nidoking. As it get closer and faster, its body seemed to glow in a faint blue light. All this happened within the span of a few seconds and the foe did not have time to react.

Skarmory hit Nidoking at such a speed it was a blur. The two crashed into a bunch of crates which immediately toppled and crushed the two Pokémon within.


There were some loud noises coming from within the mess and suddenly, Skarmory was sent flying out of the chaos, along with some metallic shrapnel. It landed on the floor with a loud crunch and tried to stand up.

“Skarmory, are you alright?” Isaac asked with concern.

“RROOAARRRR!” A loud noise echoed and a large container was flung towards the bird.

The bird tried to flap its wings to gain eminence but it was too slow. The crate landed right on top of the Pokémon and sent it crashing towards the ground.

“Skarmory, withdraw!”

The bird used the remaining of its strength to push the container aside and lumbered slowly back to its trainer.

“Good job. Now use roost, get some rest.” Falkner said.

The bird closed its eyes and stood still at where it was standing and wrapped its wings around its body. A soft glow enveloped the bird and the scratches on its armour started to ameliorate.

Isaac’s eyes widened. “Whoo… Pretty neat technique, Falkner.” He shouted from the back.

“That’s Leader Falkner to you.” Falkner said without turning back. “And stop bothering me, I’m concen-“

‘BOOM!’ Nidoking rushed out of the mess of fallen crates and started running towards Skarmory. It looked like it was in a state of immense rage and had its fists raised high up in the air in an intimidating stance.

“Skarmory, retaliate.”

Skarmory’s eyes instantly snapped open as it raised its wings and swept it towards Nidoking. Several loosely attached feathers were detached and flew towards Nidoking. In case you did not know, Skarmory’s feathers are small pieces of metal not unlike a dagger. The pieces of mineral fle and several stabbed painfully onto Nidoking.

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