Chapter 5 - Sleepless Nights

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Chapter 5 – Sleepless Nights


“Urrgghh…” Professor Maple groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. Where was he? All he could think about was the throbbing headache in his mind. He was enveloped in darkness was lying on the floor.

“Hello… Is anyone there?” He asked. His throat was parched and dry and he could not remember anything that happened before.

Slowly, his eyes got used to the darkness and he started to see the contours of his room. It was small and cramped, not unlike a prison. He quickly felt around the room to try to escape.

“You’re finally awake, Professor. You’ve kept me waiting.” A voice came out of nowhere. It was soft and muffled – probably coming from somewhere behind the 4 walls.

Sensing something was amiss, he quickly reached for his belt, but to his dismay, it was absent. Turning his attention back to the voice, he said, “Who are you?”

“Hah…” The man laughed. There was a soft clicking noise, followed closely by the sound of something unlocking. The doors of his prison flew open and faint blue light flooded his cell.

“Arrgh…” Professor Maple mumbled as he quickly tried to shield his eyes from the light. “What is this place?”

“Welcome to Team Rocket’s Hideout.” The man sneered.

“T-Team Rocket…?” Professor Maple said as his eyes widened in horror. “That’s…”

“Why are you so surprised? Did my men not reveal themselves to you?”

“Your… men…?” Professor Maple clutched his head and tried to recall. The last thing he remembered was doing his usual research in his lab, and then needing to stop due to some guests. What happened after that?

“Don’t worry, take your time.” The man said sarcastically. “We have all the time in the world.”

Professor Maple’s memory was still hazy at best, but there was one thing he was sure about. “Your men attacked me.”

“Oh, so you do remember after all!”

“How could I forget?” Professor Maple said as he gritted his teeth. “You! You are their leader!” He tried to get up and attack the man.

The man easily dodged it and pushed Professor Maple back onto the ground. “How did you know I was their leader?”

“Wait… You're not?”

“It seems introductions are in order.” The man said. “You may call me Legacy. I am indeed the leader of Team Rocket.”

Professor Maple stared at him. This wasn’t the time for jokes. Was this all some sort of sick practical joke? “No way...” He finally said. “Team Rocket disbanded thirty years ago!” As far as he knew, Johto had not had an incident regarding Team Rocket for the past three decades, so everyone just assumed that they were gone for good.

“Think what you will. The fact does not change.”

“W-What do you want from me?” Professor Maple asked fiercely.

“Well, obviously I brought you here for a reason. I have a favour to ask of you.”

“If you think you can get me to work for you, then you are very much mistaken. I, Kenneth Maple, will NEVER work with Team Rocket!” Professor Maple declared loudly.

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