Chapter 6 - Rocket Attacks

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Chapter 6 – Rocket Attacks

<Route 35>

“WormaDAMMIT!” Steven swore under his breath. “Why is Professor Oak not answering his phone?” Steven pressed the redial button on his Pokégear, hoping the Professor Oak would answer this time. He hoped that Professor Oak was simply asleep and that he was still fine, but Steven knew things were never that easy.

“Metagross, can you go any faster?” Metagross groaned but remained travelling at the same velocity. Steven sighed. Speed wasn’t one of the best qualities for the big, bulky metal Pokémon.

After what seemed like an eternity, they were finally approaching their destination…

<Goldenrod City>

Metagross landed on the ground with a loud ‘THUD!’ . Steven quickly jumped off and returned Metagross into its pokeball.

“Have some rest, my friend.” Steven said as his Pokémon disappeared in a flash of red.

He glanced onto the horizon. Dawn was approaching. The streets were already beginning to become crowded. He had no time to waste if he was to find the professor in time. Steven quickly ran deeper into the city.

‘Booooom!’ A loud explosion rumbled through the city. Screams could be heard and people were frantically running away from the explosion. He furrowed his eyebrows and wondered if it was already too late. Steven hurriedly rushed towards the explosion, elbowing his way through the crowds.

“Please, this is an emergency. Let me pass!” He shouted.

After much pushing and shoving, Steven finally reached the site of the explosion. There, he saw Professor Oak with his Scizor and Rhyperior by his side, battling against four people fully clad in white clothing with a small, red ‘R’ sign on the top left corner of their suits. They were surrounding the Professor from all sides and were quickly closing in on him. Steven heaved a sigh of relief – He was still not too late.

“Scizor, use your Bullet Punch on that Rampardos.” Professor Oak commanded.

The metallic bug immediately leapt forth and launched a series of rapid punches on the opposing Pokémon, knocking it out instantly.

“*Huff… Huff…* Great wailord! How many Pokémon do you guys have?” Professor Oak had clearly been battling for a long time and was starting to tire.

“Why don’t you just give up, Professor Blue Oak? We clearly have you cornered!” One of the Rocket members said. “Ninetails, toast that Scizor in your flames!” His Ninetails rushed forward and inhaled, preparing for its attack.

Steven immediately jumped forward and joined Oak in his battle. “Go, Aggron! Block the flames and attack it with your rock slide attack!” Steven said as he unleashed his Pokémon from its pokeball. The Ninetails attacked with red-hot flames but Aggron shrugged it off due to its Metallic armour. It immediately retaliated by sending a series of rocks flying in Ninetails’ direction.

“Sure took you long enough…” Blue turned and said.

“Sorry, I was caught up in the traffic.” Steven laughed.

“What? Who are you? Leave or you’ll get hurt!” The same Rocket member threatened.

His Ninetails was clearly very well trained and it was able to dodge all the rocks by gracefully jumping around. As it dodged the last rock, it looked back to its trainer briefly. The trainer gave it its next command with no hesitation.

“Ninetails, show no mercy, Overheat!” The trainer commanded.

Ninetails crouched low and its tails began to glow bright red.

Meanwhile, another Rocket member had sent out a giant pile of living sludge. “Muk, show them the power of your venom, Gunk Shot!”

“Two on one, eh? I should have expected nothing less from Team Rocket.” Steven sighed. Quickly, he grabbed another pokeball from his belt and threw it on the ground, summoning yet another Pokémon on the field. “Skarmory, use your Drill Peck on that Muk! Aggron, Heavy Slam on Ninetails, now!”

Ninetails’ tails started to glow as it fired an intense white flame directly at Aggron, which took it not-so well. Aggron roared and flinched backwards as it endured the inferno. Barely hanging on, it used its heavy body and slammed forward, landing right on top of Ninetails. With the immense weight and size of Aggron, Ninetails stood no chance and fainted right away.

On the other hand, Skarmory flew forward and, with its beak spinning like a drill, rammed into Muk. Loose parts of Muk started spluttering everywhere but Muk seemed unfazed and spit out a large chunk of toxic, purple goo at point-blank towards the metallic bird. Skarmory had no chance at dodging and took the full brunt of the hit, the toxic dissolving its armour with a sizzling noise. Crying out in pain, Skarmory stumbled backwards.

“Oh no, Skarmory, are you all right?” Steven said. Quickly regaining his composure, he commanded, “Aggron, finish off the Muk with stone edge!”

Aggron roared and stomped onto the ground, firing several huge stones at Muk. Muk quickly succumbed to the attack and fainted.

Steven stole a glance at Blue and saw that he was also beating up Team Rocket’s Pokémon quickly. However, Steven could also tell that Blue was at his limit and could not battle for much longer. At that rate, the battle would probably come down to a wire, unless more help came.Steven quickly focused back to his battle.

The two Rocket members have called back their fainted Pokémon and were already reaching their belts for more Pokémon. “Fearow, don’t let me down!” One of them shouted. “Kadabra, you better win this for me!” The other shouted.

All of a sudden, a device in one of the member’s pocket started beeping. He quickly took a glance at it and smiled. “Looks like this mission was not needed after all. Time for us to retreat.”

The other members looked at him and nodded. One of them immediately grabbed a pokeball from his belt and threw it at Steven and Blue. “Forretress, time to use your explosion!”

Forretress appeared out from its ball, started spinning around and glowing in a bright white colour.

‘BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!’ A deafening explosion rippled through the city. Steven closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact.

None came.

A moment later, Steven opened his eyes and surveyed the area. The explosion had created a giant crater around him and he was surprised that he was unhurt.

“Grooooaaaan,” Aggron groaned weakly.

“Oh Arceus! Aggron, are you alright?” Steven quickly examined Aggron’s body. Aggron had protected Steven, using its body as his shield. It was so badly beaten up that parts of its body were already falling off.

Steven immediately retrieved his pokeball from his belt and returned his Pokémon to their respective pokeballs. He looked at Blue, who had been by his side all along.

 “Aggron protected the both of us.” Blue said. “We can talk later. Now, we need to get to a Pokecenter, fast!” Blue beckoned Steven to follow him, and led the way to the Pokecenter.


<Goldenrod City, Pokecenter>

Later, at the Pokecenter, Steven handed his Pokémon to the nurse for healing. He turned to Blue and asked, “What happened to those Rocket members?”

“They managed to escape,” Blue said.

“Dang it!” Steven cursed.

“That’s not important.” Blue replied. “Earlier you called them ‘Team Rocket members’? How would you know? Team Rocket’s been disbanded many years ago!”

“Come, Blue.” Steven said as he walked out of the Pokecenter. “That’s exactly what I came here to discuss with you about.”

Blue raised his eyebrow. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” Steven said mysteriously. “We have much to discuss.”

Deadly alliance (Pokemon fan fiction) [Pokewatty Award 1st runner-up 2013]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें