Chapter 15 - Ecruteak Gym

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Chapter 15 – Ecruteak gym

<Azalea City>

   Emma yawned as she woke up. She checked the time and found out that it was only 7 in the morning. She was always able to wake up at the same time every morning and wondered how Isaac could sleep until so late every single day.  She quickly collected her Pokémon and left the Pokecenter.

  “Hmm where should I go first?” Emma muttered as she checked her town map. “I know, I’ll go visit her right now! Let’s see, her house is… this way!”

  After wondering around the City for a while, she finally reached a huge house. She went forward and rang the doorbell. The loud sound echoed around the house. Emma waited for a while but no one seemed to be in there. After a couple more minutes, it seemed like no one was going to answer.

  Just as Emma was leaving, she heard someone call out to her. “Wait! Emma, is that you?”

  Emma turned back and saw her childhood friend staring back at her. “Maisy! How are you? Why did you take so long to answer your door?”

  “Emma… Come on in. Let’s talk inside.” Maisy held the door open for her. As Emma walked into her house, Maisy noticed the pokeballs that Emma was carrying. “Oh… looks like you’ve already become a trainer.”

  “Yeah.” Emma replied. The both of them settled in one of the rooms. “So… How has it been around here? How is Uncle Kurt?”

  Maisy’s expression immediately darkened. “Grandpa Kurt… He passed away last year.”

  “What? I didn’t hear about it!”

  “For certain reasons, it was kept under wraps from the public. Your father should have heard about it. Oh yeah, how is he?”

  It was Emma’s turn give a piece of bad news. She frowned as she said, “My father… He was captured a couple of days ago.”

  “What? You mean… he was kidnapped?”

  Emma nodded as she told Maisy the events of what happened from the beginning up till the person whom she encountered in Union Cave. “… And that is all.”

  “I see. Looks like you’ve had a hectic couple of days. Too bad I can’t really help you. I know! Why don’t you rest here for a while? Don’t push yourself too hard.”

  “You’re right. Wait… You haven’t told me what’s wrong with you? Why did you take so long to answer the door?”

  “To tell you the truth, I’m not too sure myself. After grandpa passed away, many strange people started appearing, asking to look at his things. There was even this one time when our house was broken into!”

  “What? What did they take?”

  “Nothing valuable seemed to be stolen. They did, however, take some of his ball crafting manuals. The police didn’t think it was a big deal so they just dropped the case.”

  “They just dropped the case? Are you kidding me? Are the suspicious people still lurking around?”

  “Yes… From time to time. That’s why I didn’t want to open the door until I could confirm it’s really you, Emma. It’s great I finally got someone to talk to, it’s been getting lonely around here.” Maisy looked down on the ground.

  “What? You live here alone? Doesn’t anyone ever visit?”

  “Well, there is one guy…”

Deadly alliance (Pokemon fan fiction) [Pokewatty Award 1st runner-up 2013]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant