Chapter 4 - New Ally

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Chapter 4 – New Ally

<Cherrygrove City>

“Come on, this way!” The grey-haired man said as he led them past the maze of alleys and walkways.

Isaac and Emma were following behind the man, albeit trailing a couple of meters behind.

“Isaac.”Emma whispered. “Should we really be following this man?” She was starting to get a little suspicious.

“Well, he saved my life back there, so he must mean no harm, right?”

“I dunno…” Emma answered in a skeptical tone.

“Look. We’re here.” Isaac said as he stopped running.

The three of them stood in front of the entrance of the building for a moment. The iconic red roof of the building told Isaac that the building was – without a doubt – a Pokecenter. As they stepped near the doors, the automated doors whirred to life and opened, allowing the trainers to enter.

“Here.” The man said as he shoved the pokeball into Isaac’s grasp. “It’s yours, so you’ll have to heal it.”

“Wha-What?” Isaac said. “How?”

“Is this your first time here?”

Isaac quickly nodded.

“Well, first you would have to bring your pokeball to the reception counter there. Since you’re a new trainer, certain steps would be undertaken to properly register your particulars.” The man said in a patient manner. “Now go.”

Isaac nodded and quickly ran to the receptionist to get his Pokémon healed.

“Umm…” Emma said in a wavering tone.

The man quickly noticed her and turned. “You must be his companion, right?” He gave her an easy smile.

His smile seemed to cool Emma’s nerves somewhat as she smiled back at him. “T-Thanks… For rescuing my friend.”

“No problem.” The man said with pride. “The both of you are new trainers, huh?”

Emma nodded.

“Then I suppose you also haven’t registered your trainer ID, have you?”

“Trainer ID?” It was new to Emma. “N-No. I don’t think so…”

“Head over to the reception counter. The nurse there would tell you what to do.”

Emma nodded. “Thanks…” She muttered.


Half an hour later, Emma was all done with the administrative processes. It was long and tedious, and there were many seemingly useless questions asked like ‘Are you from Team Rocket?’. As she walked back to the waiting room, she looked at the new trainer ID which was just issued to her. It was a light blue in colour and held a picture of her face, her ID, as well as her registered starter Pokémon – Totodile.

“Emma!” She heard Isaac call out to her.

When she looked up, she saw that Isaac was already done with the healing and was standing next to the grey-haired man. She quickly walked up to them.

“Check this out!” Isaac said as he threw his pokeball onto the ground.

‘Boom!’ There was a flash of light, and out came a Pokémon which Emma had never even seen before. It was a deer-like Pokémon, with the upper side of its body coloured pink, and was rimmed and dappled with yellow patterns. It sported a yellowish-coloured, floral tuft on its head and had a small, pink tail.

Deadly alliance (Pokemon fan fiction) [Pokewatty Award 1st runner-up 2013]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum